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Twenty years ago...

The wind picked up at an alarming rate, carrying a warning straight to the home of the Royal Family of Gryphon's Glenn. The castle's Head Sorceress, Serenity Mysthaven, sat up suddenly in her bed as she heard the ominous whispers echoing through her chambers.

A storm raged outside. The rain was harsh and the winds continued to grow more out of control by the second. Serenity knew something horrible was coming.

The sound of frantic screams carried down the hall. "Princess Victoria? What troubles you?" Serenity asked as she raced toward the young Royal.

"Father is injured," Victoria replied with tears in her eyes. "The storm swept up from nowhere and he was caught in the chaos... Please, help him!"

Serenity could tell the moment she saw the King that it was too late. "Princess, look away," she said gently, trying to soothe the nine-year-old. "We must find your mother and Prince Marshall."

A traitor has come, the wind whispered. All shall fall unless you protect the children.

Which children? Serenity wondered.

There are five... Bay... Blaze... Ginger... Bogley... And Brittany...

The voice was interrupted by Azra Ashwood, the Head Knight and her dearest friend. "Serenity, a great tragedy has befallen our land," he said urgently.

"So you know about the King?" Serenity asked in surprise.

"The King? I speak of the Prince."

"What happened to Marshall?" Victoria asked in a trembling voice.

"My Princess, I apologize..." Azra began, bowing as he noticed her. "I must inform your mother first."

"The Prince has fallen?" Serenity asked softly as she tried to soothe Victoria.

Azra nodded. "Yes... And the King?" He replied.

"He has fallen as well..."

Azra looked horrified. "We must find Queen Bethany at once. This storm shall claim no more lives tonight!"

"It was not the storm, Azra... Someone has betrayed us."

"Do you have a suspect?"

Serenity nodded. "I do, however, now is not the time to discuss it... We must protect the Princesses, as well as four others... Terros and Marta's boys, my sweet Ginger, and Bogley." The voice had not instructed her to protect Princess Victoria, but she could not bear to leave the child behind.


"The Winds have told me to save those children."

They could hear crying coming from down the hall. Victoria ran ahead. She entered a room and a moment later, the crying stopped. She walked outside with her infant sister, Princess Brittany, in her arms.

"Summon the others, Serenity," Azra said.

Serenity cast a spell. It delivered the other four children to them. Bay L'Tey, the eldest, was two years old. He smiled at them, looking more curious than alarmed. His one-year-old brother Blaze hiccoughed in surprise. A tiny spark of a flame escaped from his mouth into the air before vanishing. Blaze giggled at his new trick.

Ginger Evermore crawled toward the brothers, apparently unbothered by being teleported to that spot. Bogley Masters, who was two months younger than Bay, suddenly sneezed and vanished.

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