Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The pub was filled with Pirates, Unwanteds, and the secret group of rebels calling themselves the Circle. It was an odd mix to say the least. Hiro studied their new allies with interest.

He'd known who the people in the Circle were, but Hiro had not had any idea they were actually a secret organization bent on destroying Girard. In the manga, they'd been friends who liked to share drinks and party. Only Herrick and Gabriel had really been featured prominently in the anime, and Herrick was mostly portrayed as supplying weapons to anyone willing to pay a high enough price. Hiro had never suspected he was part of such a grand scheme. Everyone else had played minor parts, mostly only popping up when Flynn was out drinking.

Suddenly, someone moved at impossible speed and joined them, snapping Hiro out of his thoughts. "Pour me a shot and fill me in," the hyper girl Hiro recognized said to Abaddon.

"How the hell did you get in here?" Abaddon demanded.

"I used the portal line, duh." Genevieve replied as she rolled her eyes. "Now hit me."

Abaddon looked like he might take that literally and swing at her, but Alden calmly grabbed his arm and brought it back down. "Now, Baddie, be nice," he scolded him.

"Who the hell are you?" Abaddon demanded.

"Oh! My bad! I'm Genevieve. I'm here for the party. I never miss a party!" She replied.

"Hear, hear!" Herrick said, pouring her a shot and raising his own glass in a toast. This earned him a big smile from Genevieve.

"How in the hell did you get by our wards?" Abaddon asked.

"Genevieve is a daughter of Hermes," Luna replied. "And showing up unannounced and uninvited is kind of her thing, but she's on our side. She locked the False King in an inescapable box the last time she was around."

"Is that where he vanished to?" Keith asked in amusement.

"First vacation I've had in twenty years," Gabriel added with a laugh.

"Hey, guys," a voice said as a much calmer person entered the room.

"Jade!" Jennifer cried in surprise. She immediately hugged her. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Did you really think we'd miss the big fight? I didn't help train the five of you just to sit this one out." Jade smiled at her.

"Alright, here's the situation," Abaddon said. "The False King has already killed the innocent, so there's nothing we can do about that one."

"Dante's the ally," Gabriel said. He looked incredibly guilty as he added, "I gave him to the King."

"It's okay, Gabe," Hank said. "Zephyr sent help."

"Dante's alive, but barely," Luna explained. "Manny was able to stabilize him, and Lillith is trying to fix the damage the False King did." She paused. "Zephyr's orders got Jamie captured. Hank, you can tell Zephyr if anything happens to Jamie, I will personally remove his head from his body."

"Noted," Hank replied, not bothering to defend him.

"Moving right along, the untouchable is Teenie Choice, the youngest of the Unwanteds. She was captured by Marcus," Cecil said.

"Neither Teenie nor Jamie are in the main dungeon," Charles said. "They must be in the hidden one. Unfortunately, I do not possess the spell needed to enter via magic, and this morning, the hatch was sealed with several layers of cement."

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