Chapter Thirty-Six

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In all of the chaos, Tori had been certain she'd lose track of things, but she'd handled the situation surprisingly well. She hadn't been hurt, and she'd even managed to find her way to Sphinx. Now, however, she needed to find her sisters.

"Nat!" She called. "Nat, where are you?"

Nat didn't reply, but Tori sensed her nearby. She was about to head her way when she sensed someone else.

"Taylee?" Tori asked, moving toward her youngest sister.

She could tell Taylee had crouched down in a secluded corner. Tori knelt beside her and realized she'd covered her ears and brought her knees to her chest in a panic. "Taylee? Are you alright?" Tori asked gently.

"Tori!" Taylee cried with relief. "The spirits were everywhere! I couldn't think straight because they swarmed around me at once... And Reggie... Oh, Gods, where is Reggie? He was beside me..."

"Shhh, Taylee... Just breathe," Tori said soothingly, hugging her in the hopes of calming her down.

"I have to find him... He might be hurt!"

"Taylee, I need you to be strong right now, alright? We'll go find Reggie together, and hopefully we'll find Nat along the way."

"What about our Mother? Is she alright? Was she hurt? Tori, your father manifested!"

"I know," Tori said, trying not to focus on her grief. "I heard his voice. That was before the rest of the spirits came. I'm sure our Mother is fine."

"We must find her..."

"We will. I promise. Come with me, Taylee. Everything is going to be alright." She stood and offered Taylee her hand. A moment later, Taylee took it and allowed Tori to help her to her feet.

Tori felt Nat a split second before her arms wrapped around her. "Tori! Taylee! Thank goodness you're alright!" Nat cried in relief.

"Are you injured?" Tori asked. If either of her sisters had managed to get hurt, it was probably Nat.

"No, I'm fine. Our father protected me... He kept the other spirits away. Jen was in bad shape, but the unicorn helped ground her and I think she's okay now. Are you guys okay?"

"I'm alright," Tori replied. "Taylee was a bit overwhelmed by the spirits, but she's uninjured. Have you seen Reggie?"

"Yeah, he's with Regan and the others. He took a hit to the head, but Aaron healed him right away and he seems fine."

"Thank God..." Taylee whispered.

Suddenly, Tori felt a presence behind her that she hadn't felt in two decades. She was too stunned to speak. Instead, she stood frozen in place, waiting for someone to confirm what she already knew.


Bethany spotted Taylee first. She realized almost instantly that the two girls with much darker features who stood beside her must be her older daughters.

"Mother!" Taylee cried. She ran toward her, but hesitated before she actually reached her.

"Come here, Taylee," Bethany said. "It's alright."

"I... I understand you must not want to embrace me, Mother... I know the truth now... I know you couldn't have wanted me..." Taylee stared at her red heels, refusing to meet Bethany's eyes.

"Taylee Clarissa, that is simply not true," Bethany said firmly. She pulled her youngest child into her arms, hugging her tightly. "The circumstances were not ideal, but that doesn't make me love you any less. You are my daughter... My miracle."

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