Shinobu || heart (angst)

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This is a request from @Osbewi!Thank you for requesting!

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"Shinobu...?" Your voice shook as you stared up at the lifeless body before you.


It was a normal mission that you and Shinobu had decided to go on. Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke tagged along, wanting to experience first-hand how Hashiras fought.

They were also rehearsed to tag along by the master so of course, you made no complaint.

Eventually you had made it to a small house in the middle of the forest. There was no description on why you were there, you just knew that a small family had called you all in due to some sightings of demons.

Although it was nighttime, no demon dared to make an appearance.

"Where are we?" Tanjiro said, looking around with a confused expression

"Did you two lead us here for no reason?!" Inosuke barked, huffing out steam from his nose.

"Shut it kid." You said, smacking him across the head.

"Ouch!" He yelped, rubbing his head.

"Stay on guard L/N." Shinobu spoke, her voice calm but you could hear the wariness in it.

"I'm gonna die. I'm gonna did. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die." Zenitsu mumbled, shaking with fear.

Then you heard a low growl come from behind you. Zenitsu jumped.

"IM GONNA DIE!!!" He screamed, attempting to run away only to run straight into another demon.

"Zenitsu!" You all yelled out.

You grit your teeth and lunges at the demon, cutting its head clean off before throwing Zenitsu over your shoulder and running back towards the others.

"Run!" You screamed.

They all ran, a hoard of demons chasing after all of you.

"Where the hell did they all come from?!" Inosuke yelled, looking back at them all.

"They were waiting for a sign of weakness! Zenitsu being a little bitch baby must have triggered it! We need to split up if we're gonna take them down! If we try and attack them now then we'll all die!" You yelled back, throwing the knocked out blonde to Tanjiro, who caught it gracefully.

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