Sabito || Come back (fluff)

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This is another request from @3gghead!
Enjoy this Sabito x reader fluff where he survives final selection! Warning, this is probably gonna be super short.
Thank you for requesting!


You waited impatiently.

You were waiting for your boyfriend, Sabito to come back from final selection. You had no clue whether he was going to or not.

But you had faith.

You had faith that he would come back home to you and that everything will be fine. You just wanted to feel his touch again.

That's all you wanted. To feel his warm skin against yours, to hold him in your arms.
That's all you wanted.

You sighed as you drifted off to sleep, the once warm bed now filled with sorrow as you felt a slight ache in your heart.

What if he wasn't coming back?

What if he was gone forever?

You convinced yourself that everything would be okay but you knew better than that. Or did you?

The next morning you woke up to an familiar scent wafting through Urukodakis house. You furrowed your brows, confused as to why your sensei was up so early.

"Urukodaki-sensei?" You called out, rubbing your eyes from the bright light.

"Urokodaki-" You stopped speaking as soon as your eyes landed on an all-too-familiar figure.

His salmon pink hair, his velvet eyes. Your eyes filled with tears as you realised who was standing before you.

"Sabito..." You breathed out, shakily walking over to him and cupping his face, checking if it was really him or not.

"Hey Y/N. Long time no see." He said, placing his hands on your waist.

"You....You're alive..." You said, looking into his eyes.

"Yup, and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." He said, pulling you closer, leaning down, and placing a soft and passionate kiss on your lips.

You kissed back and you both cherished that moment. You had missed him so much over the course of that week, so being able to kiss him again was such a relief to you.

You both pulled away and you tackled him into a hug.

"Don't you dare leave me like that again. Do you understand how freaking worried I was?" You pulled away and looked at him.

"I'm sorry babe, I promise not to leave for that long again." He said, smiling at you.

"Can you two get off my floor and have breakfast already?" Urukodaki said, sitting next to Giyuu, who had also just returned from final selection.

"Welcome back Tomioka." You said, smiling gently at him as you sat across from him.

"Thank you, glad to see you're still okay. You didn't cause Urukodaki-sensei any trouble did you?" He leaned over and ruffled your hair.

"Hey! You're treating me like I'm some sort of kid!" You yelled, red rushing to your cheeks.

"That's cuz you are. Just a big baby." Sabito leaned to his side and whispered into your ear.

"Hmph! Meanie!" You yelled, smacking his chest lightly.

You all laughed, even Urukodaki chuckled a bit. You had missed both of them so much, Giyuu was like a brother to you, and Sabito, well he was your boyfriend.

You were overwhelmed with happiness to see them back, and come home safely.

You remember the words you told them both before they left...

"Please come back home safely."


Another request finished! Sorry for any mistakes in the writing but I hope you liked it either way! These last few chapters have been a lot shorter than my other ones because I'm so rushed for time.
Thank you for requesting!

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