Sanemi || Wounds (fluff)

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"Ouch! That hurts!" He whined, flinching away from your touch. You sighed, pulling him back by his shoulders to face you again.

"If you can deal with fighting demons twice your size, then I think you can deal with a little sting." You commented, going back to dabbing the ointment onto his wounds.

"Ow- I usually don't even feel them! It's fine until you come along trying to act like a nurse- OW! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" He screeched, jumping away from the bench.

"Sit down and shut up." You ordered, glaring daggers at the white haired man in front of you. He groaned in annoyance before walking back over and taking a seat in front of you again.

"Good boy." You smiled and placed a quick kiss on his cheek before going back to tending his wounds.


"There, it's over now so you can stop being such a wimp." You said, getting up and walking over to a nearby mirror.

"Don't call me a wimp." He mumbled, observing the various bandages that you had wrapped around his stomach and arms.

"You need to be more careful, and maybe button up your uniform for once to avoid this happening again." You said, holding a new cotton swab up to your face and dabbing the ointment on gently.

Sanemi saw what you were doing and grunted. He stood up and walked over to you, grabbing you by your waist and hoisting you up into the counter. He took the swab from your hand and applied it to your wounds.

"OW! What the hell? I was doing that myself!" You said, trying to grab the swab back from him. But of course it didn't work.

"I let you do mine, and that shit hurt so consider it as payback." He smirked, staring at your defeated form as you huffed.

"Fine, but don't be a salty bitch about it." You mumbled the last part, leaning forward so he could see the cuts on your face easier.

He gently applied the ointment, making sure to press down harder a few times as payback before he started to bandage the wounds on your arms.

"There." He said, standing back to admire his work.

"Hey, you finally learnt how to wrap them correctly. Good on you babe." You laughed, watching his face contort into anger.

"You get on my nerves woman." He sneered, walking back over to you and trapping you on the counter with his arms.

"Same goes to you." You smiled, pecking his lips quickly before pushing him away and fixing up your uniform.

"I have to go train the newbies now," You sighed, picking up your sword. "I'll meet you back at the estate once I'm done. Don't forget to tell Genya I said 'hi' if you see him!" You shouted the last part as you walked out the door.

"Sure." He chuckled softly, fixing his own uniform before leaving the room as well.


Authors note: I was reading through some of my old stuff and realised how cringe worthy some of it is 😂 I can't believe I thought that was good. I haven't written for Sanemi in a while so I thought I might as well write a fluff for him since I've been making you all sad with angsts lately. Besides that, Thank you al for reading!

Side note: I'm almost done with revamping this book. Just a few touch ups before I open up the requests again so keep an eye out for that! Hopefully it'll be sooner rather than later. I've had some time to really focus on this book, so yay!

Words: 567

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