1. Introduction

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'I walk a lonely road,
The only one that I have ever known,
Don't know where it goes,
But it's only me and I walk alone...'

Ughh. Monday. Usually I love waking up to Billie-Joes voice but I guess, today I wasn't in the mood. Especially after what happened this weekend...that I have no memory of but that doesn't stop the monstrous hangover! But hey, what can you do?

I guess I should explain who I am, my names Hardy. Well Skylar Hardy but most people just call me Hardy, I have naturally wavy hair which is very annoying to deal with, oh and it's all dyed red and shaved on the left side. I have an eyebrow piercing, snakebites and a hell of a lot of eye piercings on my left ear since that's the only one that shows. My face is pretty average, thankfully low on acne, with hazel eyes and all the other stuff a face has. I have multiple tattoos but I'll explain them later.

In my school, Heathrow high, I'm considered the 'bad girl' or commonly known as 'Grade A bitch'. I am smart I just choose not to do the work because who can be bothered with that. I skip class a lot and just do whatever I want since I live in an apartment with the greatest best friend ever! His names Louis Tomlinson, blue eyes, adorable face and brown hair that's usually all over the place but somehow looks good, I will always envy him for that. He has 2 lip piercings on the right side and more tattooed than I can count.

I'm currently 18 so I'm in my senior year (thank god). I took a quick shower half attempting to wake myself up and stop this killer headache. Stepping out was like being stabbed with icy daggers, ew. I walked back to my room and grab the first shirt I see, which happens to be a nirvana one (how cliché), I threw on some ripped skinny jeans and my sleeveless jean jacket so my sleeve was on show and boots, along with some makeup and winged eyeliner and sunglasses because the sun just had to be out!

Walking slowly downstairs I see a passed out Louis on the couch, having no time to wonder how or why he got there, I literally just grab his stuff and throw it in the car before grabbing 2 bottles of water and the bottle of aspirin. I half carry him to the car and he throws himself in the back, mumbling a thanks while half attempting to get changed while eating a breakfast bar.

We get to school about 15minutes late as expected, I wait for Louis to get changed and hand him my spare pair or sunglasses for his sake, we both looked like shit but we didn't care.

We walked to the office to get our late passes and slowly made our way to class, we had English with Mr. Caine, who had to be the worst teacher in this school and hated students being late, saying it would effect our future and other bull.

Me and Louis finally make it to class and just walk in without knocking and throw our passes on the desk going to our seats at the back right-hand corner next to the windows.

"Skylar, Louis, how nice of you to join us." Said a smug looking Mr. Caine.

All he got was a grunt from Louis and did not look impressed, looking at me as if I was going to help or something.

"Okay then. Skylar you get the honour of reading the selected book we have been studying this term." He said.

"The books at home." I replied bluntly not even giving him a second glance.

"Oh and what is it doing there?" He asked, with a smirk I'd like to slap off his face.

"Having a hell of a lot more fun than me!" I said, the class just started laughing while Mr Caine just turned around and carried on his lesson.
Hey! I'm sorry if this first chapter is a little long winded but I'm just introducing the main character and whatnot.

Don't worry it'll get better and you'll soon be reading about a certain 4 Australian boys and it'll get a lot more interesting!

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