8. Work

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Skylar POV:
After watching all 8 guys mess about and play games, I got a phone call of Scotty saying I had a job.

I got up and quickly changed into black skinny jeans, a plain white tank top, my black studded leather jacket and combat boots, then walked down the stairs again.

"Guys!" I shouted getting the attention of everyone in the room, "I'm going out, I'll be back when I'm back." I said spinning around and walking out the door before any questions could be asked.

I got into my 1967 black impala which was my baby and drove to our meet up location which was usually deserted aside from a few guys i recognised but never got the effort to introduce myself and the occasional guards. I walked up to our receptionist (we have quite the set up, it's all funded by our leader Styles, who I've never actually met I don't think anyone has) and asked for my job details. She told me I was to deliver to a middle aged man who was a regular customer of ours but was still quite dangerous.

I took my wrapped parcel and made my way to the streets leaving my car behind, I'd come back for if but there's no way I would take it with me, I know it's protected where it is. I turned into a couple of allies and roads until I reached my destination. It was quite a stereotypical rich guy American house, the type those "perfect" families live in. Knocking on the door, I only had to wait a couple of seconds before it was swung open and we made our deal, the went our separate ways. I slipped the money into my bra for protection.

I made my way back towards our meet up but not before being stopped by a group of about 3 guys. Fun.

"Oh look what we have here boys!" A red headed one said, "What is a pretty little lady like yourself doing out her all alone?" He said smiling and grabbing my hips.

Without even consideration I instinctively slapped his hands away and sucker punched him straight in the nose. Which may have been the wrong thing to so because the next minute I was being held back by to of the guys whilst the red head delivered punch after punch to my rib cage, breaking or at least fracturing several before reaching into his pocket and receiving a small knife. Slowly he tilted up my head.

"Has enough yet princess?" He asked smugly.

Me being me decided to spit the blood I had built up in my mouth into his face, I wish I wasn't so cocky sometimes. Quickly he sliced the knife on the left side of my face, cutting deep along the cheek bone and another just above my eyebrow. Then to finish it off, he punched me right in the jaw before walking off with his friends laughing.

I waited 5 minutes to make sure they were gone and slowly made my way back to the car, I checked my phone and realised I'd been out for 4 hours. I decided to drive home and get cleaned up since I probably had broken ribs, a fucked up jaw and blood pouring down my face. I'll get Lou and Zayn to fix me up since they have the most medical training. I trudged up to my apartment clutching my ribs, then slamming the door open to be greeted by 8 pairs of shocked eyes, it was either the pain in my ribs or the loss of blood but all I saw was the worry in Ashton's eyes before everything went dark.

Ashton POV:
I immediately rushed over to sky picking up her limp body and carrying her over to the sofa. She was covered in blood and bruises were slowly starting to form. It seemed like it was only me, Luke, Mikey and Cal that were freaking out the others seemed casual which was confusing. Liam walked off and retrieved a first aid kit whilst Niall and Zayn attempted to calm my guys down. I was sat on the glass coffee table while watching Lou stitch sky's face up and then lifting up her shirt to reveal her heavily bruised torso. He used some sort of wrap to keep her torso right or something, I don't know I'm not a doctor. Then I watched as her kissed the top of her forehead and for some reason I felt a pang of jealousy wash over me, them Lou proceeded to carry her up into her bedroom and come back down cleaning the blood off his hands.

"Okay what the hell was that all about?!" Luke asked.

There was no response the boys just looked at each other and shrugged.

"He asked a question!" Cal shouted.

"Hey! Keep it shut! Sky's sleeping" Niall whisper shouted. "If you just know she probably got jumped or something after her errand"

"Yeah she did I found the money in her bra" Lou said.

Why the hell was he in her bra?!

"Okay I think we deserve an explanation." I state.

"Fine, sit down" sighed Liam.


HEY Sorry I've not updated in a while just been a little busy aha!

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