2. New guys

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I guess time flies when you're having fun (Note the sarcasm) because English was over before we knew it. Me and Louis needed to go to our lockers to get supplies for our next class and drop done things off. As we walk down the halls, students part like the Red Sea, showing our clear dominance over this hellhole. Not like I needed to look where I'm going because no one ever usually goes anywhere near us, I didn't expect some random blonde girl to come flying into me, probably rushing through the halls to get to class. The entire hallway went silent, aside from a couple gasps, the girl probably a junior looked up and saw who she had just em into, all the colour drains from her face, I could see the fear in her eyes and she could probably see the anger in mine.

Without even thinking about it my anger took over and I grabbed this girl by the neck throwing her against the lockers, earning a snigger from Louis. I quickly realised who this was, none other than Brittany Johnson, your typical blonde bimbo slut, oh this is going to be fun, considering she bullied me for 7 years since I was forced to grow up with her, Ha paybacks a bitch. I raised my fist and quickly punched her point blank in the nose, feeling the crack. Feeling pretty satisfied with breaking her nose, me and Louis walked away leaving the crying girl and getting our stuff for Music class.

Walking into the room (late as usual), we stop in our track seeing 4 random guys stood up in front of the entire class like puppets. Sitting down Miss Walker introduces the boys as Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton, then tells then to sit at any table. Seeing as the only free table was mine and Louis, they had to sit with us.

"Miss hardy? Mr Tomlinson? Would you be kind enough to show these boys around today?" Miss Walker asked with a hopeful look in her eyes. Well I guess it couldn't hurt and I wouldn't mind looking at either of these boys everyday for the rest of my life (damn).

"Sure, we'll show the fresh mesh around, right Lou?" I say smirking.

He seems to of got the idea and just replied with a thumbs up. They looked like our kind of people with all the piercings and tattoos, but seemed overly confident and frankly quite arrogant and that's coming from me! I don't know whether I liked them yet or not.

"Well class, since we should do something I suggest we have a volunteer to do a little singing to make the new boys feel welcome! Any volunteers?" Miss Walker asked.

"SKYLAR WANT TO SING!" Screams Louis. Which actually made me nearly have a heart attack...

"Oh lovely! Skylar if you would" She said, gesturing to the stool and mic.

Ugh fine, I may be hungover still but it might help me and probably Louis.

I decide to sing Break in by Halestorm (Song above).

By the time I'm finished everyone starts clapping and whatnot, Louis obviously being the loudest. The 4 new guys just kinda stared in awe. Making me smirk and return to my seat while the teach rambles on about some show I have no interest in.


HEY! 5SOS have appeared and you'll read more about them in the next chapter!

Don't worry the beginning is kinda boring but bare with me!

Action will go down sooner than you think!

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