Chapter 7

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"Ughh what did you do?" Valencia groaned as she rubbed her eyes after they were exposed to the blinding light that lit up the tunnel.

"Well, I performed a spell. That doesn't matter, look around you!" Warren sounded excited which was weird as until now he had been visibly in a lot of pain.

Valencia looked around her and saw that the tunnel walls were covered in leaves. Vines of leaves to be more exact. And they weren't real. For a second they did seem real but considering the wild colors they were in, it was impossible. Soon Valencia noticed five colors repeating, purple, green, blue, brown and black. Valencia reached out to touch one of them but Warren stopped her.

"Wait, these leaves are like tiny portals. They hold our memories and when you touch them you get transported to the memory you have stored in the leaf. Also each color of the leaves here represents our fa- friends. You are obviously purple, I'm blue, Satomi, your best friend, is green. Our friends Will and Vivek are the brown and black leaves."

Valencia was awed by not just the beauty of this place but also the creativity. "Did you do all of this? Because it's beautiful. It's brillian-"

"Stop being narcissistic. You did all of this. Not me." Warren said a wide smile decorating his face.

"Oh." Valencia didn't know how to feel about that. Was it really bad that she was so awed by her own creations? Maybe not since she didn't remember them. It's nice to be proud of something you do, it's another thing to just compliment it in front of someone else.

"Can I go into one of my own memories now? Show me the one which has my parents in it."

"These are memories of your past. And I don't know in which leaf you have stored which memory, so you'll just have to enter anyone of them."

"Oh okay. I guess I'll enter this purple one. How will I come back?"

"As soon as the memory is over you will be here standing beside me again." Valencia nodded and looked at the wall again. It was huge. And if you looked past the artwork you could see it was grey and old.

"Why are all the leaves connected by vines? Why didn't I just do corners in the tunnel where there's all of my leaves then all of yours and then everywhere else there's the bundle of the rest of them."

"I did ask you that, you said that the vines represent that we all are connected and are one no matter what. Each vine has all the five leaves at least once. And see, you never let the vines break. They all reach an end only at the edge of the wall of the tunnel. Now go in!"

Valencia almost touched the leaf until a thought suddenly popped into her head, out of nowhere. What if all of this was a lie? What if he was helping the Pures and this was a trap? What if the leaves were prison? Tiny ones and they held all of the supernatural creatures they had captured?

Warren touched Valencia's shoulder as he asked softly, "Are you okay? Is this too much? You can rest for a while if you want. I know I have dumped too much information on you."

Valencia shook her head and debated in her head once again before finally touching a purple leaf and then being yanked off of her feet. Fear gripped her and she felt a scream escaping her. She was flying through purple mist and finally was on the ground again. She took I'm deep breaths as she studied her surroundings. She was in a brightly lit, decorated room. Then she noticed the five people sitting around a table talking and laughing. One of them said something and everyone stopped laughing and stared at her. Valencia guessed that was Satomi. Her striking black hair and dark eyes complimented her fair skin. Beside Satomi sat a brunette. He seemed like the youngest of them all. His youthful face held bright, shining grey eyes.

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