Chapter 19: Tease

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Where is my bottle of tequila?

I ignored my sister's text. About a week and a half had already passed and she noticed that now.

Lying back on my bed, I replied to Martina's text. She wanted to meet since next week, she would be going to Spain for Christmas. She would leave until January the seventh, since they had some tradition about the three kings the day before. Martina also told me that Luca had already talked about us, telling him everything that happened back at home.

So yeah, no need to try and hide it.

It had been four days since I had seen Luca. After coming back, we met a few days after to have dinner together. He tried something, but I was on my period, and that was a big no for me.

He then came another day to Gourdon and brought me coffee. It had been so long since he had done it. It made me really happy, not gonna lie. I spent the whole afternoon smiling and jumping like an idiot. Ashley looked at me weirdly since I was never so cheerful.


"Riley?" It was my tutor.

"Yeah, it's me."

"Hi, how are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks."

"Okay, I'll go straight to the point. Remember that I talked to you about some paid internships at a clinic a colleague of mine owns?"

"Yeah?" I said, a little too excited.

"There was a vacant and I allowed myself to send your CV. She likes you, Riley. She wants to give you an interview."

"Oh my god, are you for real?"

She laughed, not used to hear me talking like that. "Yes. I'll text you all the info."

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed.

When I hung up, I started dancing around and climbed on top of the bed to jump on it.

I didn't even get it and I was already so happy.

"Luca!!!" I called him after reading all the information.

"What?!" He asked, mimicking my psycho state.

"They're giving me an interview at some internship at a physiotherapy clinic and I could stop working at Gourdon, they'd pay me even more!"

Luca laughed at my enthusiasm. Somehow, he managed to understand all that I said even though I talked at the speed of light.

"Congratulations! I'm sure you'll get them."

"Gosh, now I'm nervous. What if I mess it up?"

"You'll do just fine, Riri." He chuckled. "Can I call you later? I'm with a patient."

"Shit, I'm sorry. Yeah, yeah." I nodded my head quickly.

He laughed once again, warming my heart. "Bye, love you."

We stayed silent for a few seconds.

"Uh-" he hung up quickly.

Wait a moment. Did he just say he loved me?

Okay, Riley. Calm your tits. He said 'love you', like in a friendly way.


I needed to talk to someone about this. I needed to see Martina.


I got the internship.

I could quit my job at Gourdon.

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