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***This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

To copy is punishable by law.***

Why, where, when, and what the hell was I thinking? Those definitely seemed to be the questions I asked myself in those five minutes. Why was I here? Where the frick were we headed? When, if not ever, are we going to get there? And a big what in the actual hell was I doing here?

Leaning my head against the cool window, I listened to my headphones attempting to drown out the loud laughter of the idiots sitting in the backseat. I tried desperately not to make a scene as I silently bashed my forehead against the glass.

Unfortunately, even Rob Thomas's angelic voice coming through my speakers couldn't silence the annoying sounds coming from behind me.

Turning around, I threw daggers with my glare in attempt to shut them up, but only got snorts in return.

It was Marcus's brilliant idea to go skiing in the mountains up in colorado this weekend. I for one was not all for it. I didn't even know how to ski. Marcus and I had been dating for about three years. And for those three years I'd done a lot I didn't want to do. From switching schools, to moving towns, even getting more physical at times than I wanted. But that was Marcus. What he wanted, he did. And I got pulled along for the ride.

Mike and Roger, the two goons in the back seat, were Marcus's "buds" coming up to ski with us. These two we're complete morons. They went on for three hours laughing about the same frickin joke! Mike was a 20 year old low life with nothing better to do then play video games in his mothers basement and drink soda all day. Roger on the other hand was just plain creepy. He'd give me leery smiles every now and then that would make me cringe. All he was good for was drinking beer, and getting laid.

We'd been on the road for about four hours and I really needed a break.

"Marcus, can we stop here pretty soon? I need to use the restroom."
"Yeah, whatever sugar lips! Whatever gets you to stop your pouting and shit!" He laughed.

"Marcus", I whispered. "I'm not pouting I just have a little headache from all their laughing.."

" C'mon Lainie stop bitchin' my friends deserve a good laugh. Don't cha' boys?"
Thing one and two both laughed some more.

"Lanie's just jealous we're having a good time and she's not!" Smirked Mike.
"Yeah. What's up your ass Lanie?" poked Roger. I instantly retreated from his touch.

"Please. I'm tired and just need some air" I cried.

Finally we reached what looked like a rest stop, pulled over, parked, and hopped out.

The first thing I noticed was how breathtaking it was. The evergreen and pine were covered in a white blanket of sparking snow. From top to bottom, I felt as if I were in a winter wonderland.
My moment of tranquility was ruined however when the chaos from the car walked up.

"Lanie, I thought you said you needed to pee?" Grumbled Marcus. Sheesh! Just trying to enjoy the view. Excuse me!
" Your right I do. I'll be right back!" I sighed.

As I walked to the restroom I soaked up all the beauty I could before I had to get back in that dreaded car...
Coming out of the restroom, I turned the corner and was instantly cautious.
There, leaning against the wall was none other than Roger.

"Roger what are you doing in the entrance of the girls bathroom?" I asked nervously.

He smirked a sickening smile. "Waiting for you sugar." What?

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