Sweeter than Honey.

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Elaine awoke to soft breathing rustling the hair on her neck.
She knew it was David. Sometime in the night he must of crawled into bed with her.
Slowly, as to not wake him, Elaine slid out of the bed.

She tip toed out of the bedroom and down the hall.

She headed straight for the coffee.

What she wouldn't give to have some of Deena's coffe and Tyler's muffins right now.

She leaned against the counter staring at the coffee maker. After last night, Elaine decided it was time to end whatever this was here in wolf creek and head back to New York.

She would miss the people she had met yesterday. They were friendly people who seemed to care.

When the coffee maker was done, Elaine grabbed a cup, filled it up, pulled on a warm woolen sweater and some snow boots,and silently opened the slider door.

She sat out on the swing overlooking the lake. It was so peaceful out here. Nothing like manhattan.

Truth be told, she hated New York. It was too loud and noisy. The people were rude, hustling and bustling about town. There was never time to appreciate anything.

She stared out at the lake and sighed.It would be one of the last times she saw it. On her way outside, she had called the cab company asking if they could make it up today. They said the snow wasn't as bad, so they would be sending someone up.

She wasn't sure if she was excited to finally get out of here or depressed she was actually leaving.

Either way however, last night was proof that she was only temporary. She couldn't stay a second option. She wanted to be a first choice, the only choice.

She closed her eyes and breathed in the crisp morning air along with her hot steaming coffee.

She heard her name being shouted from inside. "Elaine!" David's voiced boomed out. She didn't answer.
Maybe she should act as if he was invisible. See how it feels?

"Damn it Elaine where are you!" He yelled.

She could picture him walking throughout the house, running his fingers through his tousled hair, searching for her in a panic.
She heard a crash come from the kitchen.

"Fuck!" David yelled.

Startled, Elaine hopped up and opened the slider door.

Standing in the kitchen, Elaine saw a shattered cup on the kitchen floor and David leaning against the counter with his head in his hands.

Worried, Elaine slowly walked over and placed a hand on his back.

He whirled around and caught her hand, hugging her against him tightly, ignoring her shocked squeal. He rubbed the back of her head and breathed in her hair.

Startled, Elaine tensed. Was he still angry at her? What would he do? He did shatter a dish....

He leaned back , grabbing her face and looked her in the eyes. "I thought you had left. I woke up and you were gone," he breathed.

"No, I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye," she half smiled.

She tried pulling away but David held her tight.

"Five minutes," he mumbled.

Confused Elaine crinkled her brow. "What?"

"Last night," he rumbled.

Not wanting to think about the events before Elaine pleaded, "Please David, no more. I just woke up and-

"I left you for five minutes. Five fuckin' minutes red!" He hissed. Elaine stood still.

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