When all is well...

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"I've never actually asked you what you do," Elaine stated as she sat on the couch. She was in David's lap watching the fireplace.

"No you haven't," David said amused.

"Ok well, what do you do?"

"I'm a logger babe."

" A logger?"

"Yea babe.People who cut down trees, transports them, build houses with them."

"Oh," Elaine paused. "Then why are you here and not at work," she asked realizing this was the first time she thought about his job.

" I usually leave every few months. I only get called away on big projects. I just got back from a big one up in Montana when I found you."

"Does that mean when you do get called away" Elaine paused nervously, "you'll be gone long?"

David looked down at her. " Yea babe. be gone a good two to three weeks. depends on the project.

Elaine swallowed. Ok. Breathe. She told herself.

"Oh," she stuttered.

David leaned in kissing her temple. "We'll cross that bridge when it gets here red."

"Right," she whispered.

Elaine had been in wolf creek for a week now. Everything with Missy's death had hit. People were calling about Rachel left and right. She hadn't been working at the bar for a couple of days and it being a small town, everyone had heard about her coming up to the cabin after she found Missy's body.

The town was now warned of a murderer. People avoided walking alone through the streets or staying out too late at night.

Elaine had checked in on Ray whom had since recovered. Elaine could tell, she was ready to go back to work. She had been cooped up in her apartment for a few days. But she had visitors who dropped by. Deena, Darla, Chrissy, and Mel had stopped in, bringing treats and drinks. Rod stopped by Tuesday, informing Ray of her rowdy customers, and how the bar , "didn't feel quite right without your bright pink hair, and flashy attitude." Cole had also stopped by incidentally, bringing coffee and warm concern.

Elaine's heart melted when she heard. Ray had blushed the entire time she informed Elaine.

It was now wednesday. Elaine and David had retired to the couch after dinner.

Elaine's soul sighed. It felt right being here. With David. In his lap, on his couch, in his house, watching his fire. She didn't want to go back to the grimy streets of New York. She liked the pure Colorado snow. She didn't want to holler for a taxi or take the subway. She wanted to walk into town and drive with David.

"I don't want to leave," she barely whispered.

"Then don't red."

Realizing what she had said, she sat up. " what."

"I said then don't babe."


"Stay red."

Elaine sucked in a breath of air. "Are you asking me to move in with you?"

"Yea babe. I guess I am," he shrugged.

Taken aback, Elaine pushed away and looked at David skeptically.

"You guess? David, I've know you for a week," she stated incredibly.

"No babe. I've slept with you, I've held you, I've bought you clothes, I've watched you sing and dance in my kitchen, I've taken you out to dinner, I've pulled you over my shoulder, I've slapped your ass, I've seen you naked, I've touched you naked, I've seen you cry, I've caused you to cry, I've seen you smile, I've seen you laugh, I've been through a murder with you, I've fought a man because of you, and a hell of a lot more. Red, I may have only known you for a week. But, I feel like I've known you my whole life."

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