Not my Name

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Stirring slightly, Elaine faintly blinked her eyes open. It was morning. She could see the sunrises's streams of light pouring in the through the window, illuminating her face.

She gently shifted away from the bright rays and landed against something rock solid. And it was really warm?
What the hell?

She looked over and to her surprise was gently leaning against Mr Mysterious!

She let out a yelp and pushed back trying to escape the insufferable proximity.
She accidentally shoved too hard and both her and Mr. M both flew off the sides of the bed.

Cursing as he fell he cried out, " What the hell? Shit woman!"

While she struggled to get off the floor Elaine called out, " I'm so sorry! You startled me! What the hell's a good question! What are you doing in my bed!"

" Damn, it's not even 5:30 yet!" he mumbled as he winced at the clock. "Do you always wake up with this many questions?"

Flustered, Elaine replied, " I wouldn't ask so many questions if you'd start giving me answers!"

"Well for one, this is my bed babe. I'm gunna sleep in it," he replied in a sleepy voice. Which was so sexy it hurt. Wait? Has he been sleeping with me?

Huffing, Elaine walked out of the bedroom and into the hallway. It was time to leave all this craziness behind and figure out how to get back "home".
As Elaine entered into the main room, she stopped and looked around. This place was huge! Large couches, a big rug, a polished wooden coffee table, and a ginormous flat screen hung onto the far wall. Across from the main room, Elaine spied her bag.

Rushing over in her bare feet and nothing on but her underwear and his large shirt, she crossed the room and dug through her bag. Where the devil was her id and credit card?

"What are you doing Red?" He said.

What was with all the nick names!

Whirling around I met him with a dead on stare. "Ok listen! My name is not red! Or princess! Or whatever else you've been calling me! It's Elaine. E-L-A-I-N-E. I'm going through my purse looking for my id and credit card. I've had a crazy... she paused, "I don't even know how many days, and I just want to leave and get out of here ok? Please. I know you've been helping me and I thank you very much for that. I probably would have died out there if you hadn't come along...So thank you. But I have to leave." After Elaine spoke she realized just how crazy this really was and kept going.

"And I'm sorry if I come off as crazy or insane but I've been stranded on the side of the road because my ex is a complete jerk, I get lost and almost die from the cold, get sick, and end up stuck, in an unknown house, in the middle of God knows where, with a complete stranger!" She gestured toward him.

"I mean, hell I don't even know your name!" She said breathlessly.

The man stood and watched as the creature in front of him struggled for breath. Who was this woman?
But she was fucking cute...And fucking hot in his shirt...Those fucking legs!He hissed in a breath.

No don't go there.....

"Asshole!" He boomed.

Elaine's eyes bugged out with fear.

"Your boyfriend left you on the side of the road in the fucking cold? In the bleeding middle of winter!" He snarled.

Elaine held her breath. Looking down to inspect the floor she whispered, "yes, well um actually, I-

"He's a jerk babe and your better off without him."

"Believe me I quickly realized that myself," she mumbled. Oh boy did she realize it....

"David," he grunted.

Confused, Elaine slanted her head and creased her brow, "pardon?"

"Name babe, is David."

Taken by surprise that the man listened to anything she had just spouted she replied, "oh."

He look at her with an amused expression. " I know your name's Elaine. I read your Id."

"When did you-

"When you were sleepin' babe. Found you out in that blizzard brought you in, warmed you up, put you in bed, and then found out who you were.I had to hold you most of the night just to keep you from fallin' out of bed. You were out of it. You learn a lot from someone after sharin' a bed, let alone holdin' em, he said. Whoa what? He held me?

Uncertain or what to say Elaine thought maybe now was a good time to cut ties and say thanks then leave.

"Anyway, do you have a phone I can borrow? I could call a cab company and get a ride into...." She trailed off because she had no idea where they were.

"I got a phone red. I'm not letting you call a cab company and we're in wolf creek, Colorado," he said.

"What? Why... I need to leave."

" No you don't. What you do need is some breakfast and coffee."

"Um actually-

"I'll make some bacon and hash browns," he stated, then proceeded to walk to the kitchen. What in the world?

"Um, David, why can't I call a cab company?" His name felt weird on her lips.

Ignoring her question, David asked, "You want cream in your coffee?"

"Er yes please," replied Elaine as she slide into one of the counter stools.

" The cab company won't be driving today. It's completely snowed in outside. And there's no fucking way I'm letting you leave to go back to that jerk."

Elaine flinched. Marcus was a jerk, but her emotions were still raw over it. They'd been together for three years and within a span of minutes they'd split.

"Well how far is it to the nearest town?"

"You plan on walkin'? He grunted.

"Well if I have to then yes," she said.

"No." What?

"I have to leave. I can't stay here. I barely know you David."

"What do you want to know?" He asked.

"Um, well. That's the thing David. I don't need to know anything I just should leave."

"You ain't leavin'," he stated.

"You can't keep me here. I can stay eat breakfast, maybe clean up a bit, then I'll silently leave."

"Let me rephrase that. You ain't leavin' red. I've learned a lot about you the past couple of days, and that was just when you were sleepin. Now your awake, and I wanna know more. Lots more." He looked at me with a very intense look that gave me another good shiver.

Taking a deep breath I started, "Um-

"I'm calling you red because that's you babe. Bright red hair, big attitude, nails, lips. Damn. You don't know, do you?" He looked at me completely blown away.

"So I like the color so what!" I said in defense.

"There you go throwin' attitude!" He chuckled. Um no!

"I am not!" I huffed and crossed my arms across my chest.

"There you go doin it again babe."

"Whatever," I mumbled earning another chuckle from David.

So I couldn't leave because of the frickin weather and I was stuck in the house with a man who held me at night and basically said he liked it.

And I hated that I liked that.

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