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Thanks for reading lovelies ❤️
Elaine woke up on the couch. Her head felt like it weighted 10 pounds and her eyes were fuzzy when she opened them.

She slowly sat up. Looking around the living room, she saw Mel curled up on the opposite couch. She too had been crying.

Elaine remembered the draining day before down by the lake, how her and David fought and made up, fell in the water, showered together, how they made dinner, they way they danced. She also remembered Jeff and Cole showing up.

She closed her eyes and rubbed her head. David had been charged with murder! He's been arrested! How?

She walked toward the bathroom. She thought about what David had said. He never told her where he had gone.... There had to be a logical reason as to why he'd been gone. Elaine thought long and hard.

Why would David kill Rico? Yea he was furious when he found out Rico attacked her, but was it enough to kill him? Elaine thought about what David had said down by the lake. 'So you know why I freaked when Aaron was released. Why I disappeared after hearing Rico beat you?'

She understood why he was mad at Aaron. The man killed his wife and daughter. Elaine swallowed harshly. But what did he mean about Rico? Were they somehow connected?

Frustrated, she walked out of the bathroom, smelling eggs and bacon. Mel greeted her when she walked in.

"Hi honey. How are you?"

Elaine sat down on a stool by the Counter. "Fine," she whispered.

"Um, Rod called. He uh said he'd be by to pick us up. That is if you wanted to go into town. See David?"

Elaine perked up a bit at the idea of seeing David. She could figure our what was going on.

"Yes. I think I should go down."

"Alrigty honey. I uh, made us some breakfast."

Elaine smiled a faint smile. "Thanks Mel." Even though Elaine was far from hungry. Her stomach was filled with butterflies and her nerves were nearly fried.

"When's Rod coming by," Elaine asked.

"He said he'd be up within the hour."

"Ok." And with that, the two women ate in silence.
Rod had showed around noon and picked up the girls. He too was dumbfounded when he was told the tragic news.

They drove into town and at Darla's. The jail was down the road, about a block away.

The girls thanked Rod as they hopped out of the truck. Together they made their way toward the police.

They held each other as they walked down the road.

"He didn't do it Elaine. My brother may have a temper, but he would never kill someone," Mel stated firmly.

Elaine rubbed Mel's arm reassuringly. "Honey I know that. I'm in love with your brother. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me. There's no way I'll ever believe he's capable of such a horrendous deed."

Mel smiled huge. "Your in love with him?"

Elaine giggled as a faint blush covered her face. "Very much so." She paused. "Before I came to wolf creek. Before I met all of you. I surrounded myself with people I thought cared about me. Marcus, my 'friends' back in New York, even my father. I promised myself if never be a second choice. I always wanted people to like me. Even if I had to change to be what they liked."

Mel watched the snow crunch beneath their boots as she listened intently.

"Well, the other day. David and I were down by the lake. Things were said... And one thing led to another and I told him about how I knew about Marie." Elaine paused watching Mel's reaction.

Mel flinched so slightly, Elaine almost missed it, but it was there. She went on.

"I also found out about Jessica." Elaine stopped when she heard Mel lightly gasp next to her. Elaine stopped walking and held Mel.

"Mel I'm so sorry. I saw a picture of Marie. She was so beautiful. I wish I could have seen Jessica. You must have loved them." Mel was silently crying as Elaine held her.

"They were be- b- beautiful people," she said through gasps. "My b- brother and Marie, they were very g-good to each other. But Jesse," she paused as she sucked in a deep breath.

"Jesse was my heart and soul. That baby girl was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen."

Elaine gave Mel a squeeze. " I just wanted you to know that I know. You can talk to me about anything, anytime honey." Mel nodded and hugged Elaine.

"I'm so glad by brother found you!"

"Me too honey," Elaine said as her eyes filled with tears. The girls held each other in the road as it lightly snowed.

"Now, let's go get your man and my idiot of a brother out of that jail," Mel giggled. Elaine joined in.

Their laughter was cut short when a big red truck came barreling down the road towards them.

"What on earth," Mel cried.

"Are they out of control maybe," Elaine asked nervously.

The truck headed straight toward them. And fast.

The girls screamed. Elaine had just enough time to push Mel on the opposite side as she jumped out of the way.

Mel shouted out, "Elaine look out!"

Mel had fallen in the snow while Elaine had scurried to the left.

It all happened so fast. One minute Elaine was out of the way of the truck, the next minute a tall man wearing a black ski mask grabbed her roughly and threw her in the truck.

As the truck sped off Elaine struggled to escape her kidnapper.

It wasn't until the mask was removed, Elaine stilled.

The smile that greeted her gave her chills down her spine and a sick dread in her gut. No it couldn't be!


"You got it," he smirked viciously.

Elaine was then hit over the head hard, knocking her out.

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