Mixed Signals Mayhem and Murder

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Elaine woke to soft breathing, rustling her hair. She was pressed against a warm, solid body. A rock hard arm was wrapped around her.

Squinting her eyes slowly, Elaine groaned. The little light shining through the curtains was excruciatingly bright. Her head was pounding, and her ears rang. What the hell?

The body supporting her shifted and a chuckle came from behind her. "Your awake." David pulled her closer.

Elaine groaned again. "No."

A hand slid along her back in soft, slow circles. "My lady's grumpy this morning."

Elaine tried pushing away but stood still. Whenever she moved, she felt sick. Yep. Definitely hungover. Shit.

"Please David. My head. Whisper."

David patted her bum gently, rolled off the bed, made his way out the door, and down the hall.

Elaine could hear cabinet doors opening and closing. She also heard the faucet running. Listening to footsteps coming back toward the bedroom, Elaine slowly rolled away from the door, praying sleep would take her.

Hearing her name softly being whispered, Elaine opened her eyes and saw David sitting on the side of bed with a glass a of water and a couple aspirin. Her heart sighed but her head screamed to take the pills.

She slowly sat up and took the pills and drank them down. She smiled appreciatively at David.

"Thank you," she managed.

He grabbed the water from her and set it on the dresser next to her."Rest red."

Then he leaned in And gently kissed her forehead. Her heart sighed again. Thankfully after laying back down, sleep was kind, and took her away.
Elaine woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. Her stomach rumbled. Her headache had decimated and her appetite had grown.

Crawling out of bed, Elaine pulled on one of David's t shirts and waltzed out of the bedroom. Sauntering down the hall her eyes took in the scene before her.

David was in the kitchen cooking scrambled eggs and flipping the bacon. And he was shirtless. His hair was ruffled from his sleep, and he wore a loose sweat pant that hung low on his hips, displaying his deep V line.

Elaine gulped. If she could she'd eat him for breakfast.

He noticed Elaine walk up to a stool and sit down.

"Mornin' babe," he rumbled.

Elaine looked up and smiled as her eyes violated his body. David chuckled.

"The phones been ringin' like crazy Red.I'm assuming they're for you."

Elaine huffed out a breath. "Yea I bet some of the girls have called. Just checking in."

David had turned around as she had been talking but returned with a hot cup of coffee. Elaine's heart sighed again.

She thought about the night before and winced.

David drew his brow together. "What," he asked concerned.

"Just last night.I erm.... I don't know... Got a little crazy I guess," she blushed as she took a sup of coffee.

David threw his head back and laughed hard. Elaine caught her breath. She had seen David chuckle and grin, but never laugh. It was amazing.

"Yea Red I heard."

Elaine's head shot up and stared at him. "How!"

"Babe when I picked you up, people around you were hollering, and clapping. Sayin' you got up on the fuckin' bar babe?" He said amusingly.

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