02 // parties & infatuation

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"And I like large parties. They're so intimate. At small parties there isn't any privacy."

Elise definitely does not agree with Jordan Baker about this. She does not like large parties.

They are not intimate. They are chaotic.

They are also extremely uncomfortable, she thinks to herself as she pushes her way through the crowded room. Her eyes scan the crowd, but she has no luck. Jay is nowhere to be seen.

During her and Luke's study session she got a text from Jay inviting her to a party. Although parties were never her scene, she happily obliged. She really liked this boy. Elise had never really had boyfriends throughout high school. Just Luke. He didn't count though; he was her best friend. They had known each other their entire lives, in fact. But Jay was different. That's what she liked about him.

She had gone on a couple of dates over the past couple of years, but none of the guys caught her attention. Then Jay came along. She wasn't sure what exactly had her infatuated with him, but that's what kept their relationship interesting. In her mind at least. She didn't know a lot about him, but she wanted to figure him out. She liked to figure things out, she didn't like to be nosy though. That's why she liked reading. She never just read a book. She liked to figure out the symbolism behind the characters and why they did the things they did throughout the story. She was a very curious girl.

As she continues to make her way through the overly crowded rooms, she finally spots Jay's black quiff from across the room. Her face breaks out into a smile as she walks faster in his direction.

"Jay!" Elise calls over the loud music. He turns to face her.

"Hey. Babe you came" he says wearing a small smirk. She can't help but notice his appearance. He is wearing a plain black tshirt that hugs his biceps and shows off the tattoos scattered across his arms. He looks hot, she thinks to herself.

She never knew why, but she thought his tattoos were extremely attractive. All she knows is that she never put too much thought into them, but when she met him she didn't understand how she didn't see it before. Tattoos are hot. At least on Jay they are.

"I know it's not my scene, but I wanted to see you" she beams at him. This makes his smirk turn into a small smile and he snakes his arm around her waste, a plastic red cup in his other hand.

"C'mon, let's get you a drink" he whispers in her ear.

She furrows her eyebrows as he leads her through the crowd into the less crowded kitchen. She immediately notices several coolers filled with various alcoholic drinks she's never heard of. "I don't drink, Jay" she states as if it is the most obvious thing in the world. It should be, she's told him plenty of times.

He gives her a look of confusion, but his face softens, "Oh yeah," he mumbles, but makes his way over to the fridge instead leaving her alone momentarily. Elise can't help but notice a few girls giving her deathly glares from the corner of the room. She doesn't know what she did to make them dislike her, but she believes it could be her appearance. While these girls are wearing skin tight dresses that barely cover their behinds, she is wearing boyfriend style rolled jeans, chucks, and a loose fitting white shirt. She wasn't exactly dressed for a party when she was studying with Luke, but she didn't have enough time to go back to her dorm and change.

Jay quickly comes back and hands her the soda, snaking his arm around her once again. This caused the girls to whisper amongst themselves and continue glaring. She just looked away and followed Jay. Her and other girls never got along very well anyways. She generally just stuck with Luke, and on an extremely rare occasion spending time with him and his other friends. 

As Jay led her through the crowd once again they approached an area with a few couches pushed together to make a circle. The group sitting in the area looked over as they approached. A couple of guys stood up and greeted Jay.

"Everyone, this is Elise" he smiles and she waved awkwardly, never one to like the spotlight.

"Come on you two! Have a seat" Ashton, one of the only people she knew here, said to them. Elise smiled gratefully and took a seat next to him with Jay on her other side. He automatically threw his arm over her shoulder as he continued to talk to one of his friends she had never met.

"So Elise, what brings you here?" Ashton asks. "Never thought I would see the Elise Parker at a college party"

She chuckles lightly, "I never thought I would either. I'm here because of Jay" she tells him and he nods along as if he is interested. She decides to go on, "To be honest I absolutely despise parties,  but I'd never let him know that" she whispers with a giggle peeking over her shoulder where she is glad to find her boyfriend in a conversation and not paying any attention to her. Ashton nods understandingly.

"That makes sense" he says, but pauses and looks around. "Sorry if this is too personal, but I thought you and Luke were a thing?" he says almost questioningly.

She laughs, "That isn't too personal. And no, we aren't dating. Never were actually. We've always been best friends," she says with a cheesy grin.

"Wow. Really?" he says in disbelief. "I could've sworn in high school the kid was absolutely obsessed with you," he states causing her to burst into more laughter.

"No, Luke was never "obsessed" with me" she says, putting air quotes around "obsessed". Where did he get a silly idea like that? She laughs at the thought. "We're just really close friends. Always have been. Since we were little kids."

a/n: so idk if anyone is reading this, but that'd be cool. if you're reading this then you're really freaking awesome and i love you (-:

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