05 // more pizza & more realization

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"... and for a moment I thought I loved her. But I am slow-thinking and full of interior rules that act as breaks on my desires"

It had been a week since Luke and Elise had discussed their latest chapter of Gatsby. Elise had finished the next one they were supposed to discuss, but Luke was avoiding having another discussion. After how the last one turned out, he freaked out a little bit.

Did he like his bestfriend? he thought to himself. Of course he did, as a friend, but the way he was thinking last week was implying more. So obviously he kept his distance from her. He needed to sort out his thoughts first.

He was currently hanging out with a few of his guy friends. Yes, he had friends other than Elise. The four of them were sitting in the lounge room of their dorm, which was a suite, meaning there were two bedrooms connected by a lounge area. This type of luxury was normally only for juniors and seniors, Luke was a sophomore, but his three mates were older than him.

"Lukey" Calum said poking Luke's cheek. Luke swatted Calum's hand away and shook his mind of his current thoughts.

"Yes, Calum?" he asked, a bit of annoyance in his tone.

"I'm bored." Calum stated. Luke's other two suite mates, Michael and Ashton, were playing an intense game of Call of Duty, which neither Luke or Calum were very interested in. "And I'm hungry"

"Do you want to get some food then?" Luke asked, though he already knew the answer. Calum immediately jumped out of his seat dragging Luke with him.

"Of course," he grinned cheekily. "WE'RE LEAVING BYE!" he yelled at Michael and Ashton, who weren't paying attention whatsover. Calum knew they weren't paying attention, but he wanted to tell them anyways.

Calum knew Luke would come with him to get food. He was right. He knew that Luke was the type to do anything for his friends, especially small things like take him to get food. Luke was always considerate and observant. He knew when his friends were excited, sad, or upset. He also knew little details about them. He thought things like that were important.

Luke wasn't the only observant one in the friend group though. Calum noticed that something was off with Luke and if he wanted to know what it was he'd have to get him alone. So, being the smart person he is, he knew that Luke would go with him to get food, and then he'd ask him what was up.

"What do you want to eat, Cal?" Luke asked as they exited the dorm building and started walking across the courtyard.

Calum shrugged and looked around, "We can just go get pizza?" Luke nodded and they made their way across the street to the little pizza place. As they entered the warm little restaurant they sat in a booth near the back and waited as the waitress made her way over to them.

"What can I get for ya, cuties?" the girl, probably no older than fifty asked them.

"We'll have a medium pizza with sausage on top and extra sauce, please" Calum responded cheekily as the kind waitress scribbled the order down on her notepad.

"Is that all?" she questioned and they both nodded in response. "Wonderful! I'll have that out soon for you boys" she said in a chipper tone.

Luke internally cringed when Calum ordered a sausage pizza because that reminded him of Elise and he was so conflicted right now. Calum noticed his behavior again and decided to speak up.

"So what's going on?" Calum questioned casually.

Maybe a bit too casually, or at least that's how Luke took it. "Nothing much lately, just school and-"

"That's not what I meant" Calum says carefully, but still in a tone that Luke knew was serious.

Luke furrowed his eyebrows. He couldn't know that something was going on, could he? Luke thought to himself. Yes, they had been friends for a while, but Luke didn't think he was being very obvious about his feelings. He decided to play dumb and maybe he would drop the topic. "I don't know what you mean, but-"

"Cut the bullshit, Luke" Calum said in a harsher tone. "I know something is bothering you. Just tell me what it is. Maybe I can help," he says in a serious tone, but cracks a smile at the end. Calum wanted to sound serious, but he didn't want to sound rude and demanding.

Luke sighed, he should have known he couldn't hide anything from one of his best friends. "Fine. It's about Elise. I..." Luke paused to scratch the back of his neck nervously as Calum waited patiently. "I think I might-"

"Here you go, sweethearts!" they heard a loud voice coming towards them, cutting Luke off. Though Luke was relieved the food had come and that he didn't have to say what he had been thinking the past week, he knew Calum would make him say it sooner or later.

They quickly thanked the waitress and each grabbed a slice of pizza. They sat in silence for a few moments as they both started eating and Luke couldn't have been more relieved. He had almost thought that Calum forgot about what he was about to say, but unfortunately for Luke, Calum had only just begun his questioning.

"So, what were you saying?" Calum asks seriously as he continues to eat his pizza. Luke gulps down the mouthful of the delicious food and exhales shakily. He runs a hand through his quiff and takes a deep breathe.

"I honestly don't know, Calum," Luke stated. Calum was about to protest, but Luke spoke up again. "And don't say I'm bullshitting you, because I'm not. I'm just confused. Last week when Elise and I were talking about the book we're reading, like we always do, I just started thinking and... I think I might like my best friend," Luke rambles. He didn't want to tell Calum at first, but now that it's out he surprisingly feels better. "Like. Really like her"

Calum gives him a blank stare for a few second, but it is quickly replaced with a goofy grin, "You just realized this?" Calum replies sarcastically. He knew all along that Luke liked Elise. In fact, everyone knew, except Elise. "It took you long enough. Now what are you going to do about it?"

Luke sighed, "That's the thing. She has a boyfriend" Calum laughed at this.

"So?" he questioned.

"So? So, she doesn't like me back!" Luke exasperatedly cried. "I don't know what's gotten into me! She's my best friend for gods sake," he sighed heaving his face into his open palms.

Luke paused for a second. What was he thinking? he thought to himself. He lifted his head from his hands and his eyes wandered around the room as he thought. She is his best friend. He laughed lightly at the thought. She is his best friend. He started laughing almost histerically now. What was he thinking! Of course he couldn't like his best friend. This is Elise. This is the girl he grew up with. The girl he had always hung around. This is the same old Elise and he is the same old Luke. Nothing has changed.

And he decided then and there that he had gone crazy. What was he thinking? Of course he didn't like Elise.

a/n: if anyone knows why i chose the quote at the beginning of this and can explain it that'd be really cool (-: i think it's generally obvious, but yeah i'd like if people could understand the quotes

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