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What's a warrior without a war to fight?


Arriving at the facility was deathly silent, which like all the other times was normal, but the tension engulfing us was absurd. There was no reason for the Hydra Agents to be like that. It was a normal, find the target, eliminate them and get out type of mission. We weren't told other wise. We understood that these targets were extremely important to take down, they were a threat to Hydra. However, somehow this felt different, it felt as if there was more then what they had been telling us.

They made us carry extra little hand granades, more ammo was wrapped around our bodies. The additional weight on me ment it would slow me down. Minor delay, not much, but it was still there. The other Agents never really held as much weaponry on them as we did, Winter and I was trained to handle so much. Any other Hydra Agents, not so much.

Every time the black van would go over a hump or small rock in the road, we would jump slightly or sway a little. No one said a word. Though, no one ever said a word. Unless it was extremely important. Beyond these metal walls of the van, we could hear the passing of every vehicle. Us leaving them behind.


Once we had arrived at the facility, we had to get in positions for when we were called to action. Though it doesn't take long for us to be told that one of our targets had given a mighty speech over the comms of the whole facility. Immediately when they had said that, I felt a hot white shooting pain form around my head.


"Guys, I'm getting us fake ID's" A scrawny looking man that looked to be about sixteen years old told us, his dirty blonde hair neatly swept to the side as his sky Blue eyes pierce us with such determination.

"So we can do clubbing?" I questioned, knowing that it didn't sound like him to say such things.

"Yeah pal, have you finally opened your eyes? Losened up a tad?" A teasing tone flows out of the brunette's mouth that stood next to me.

"No. So we can vote." Blondie almost sound offended that his best friend had suggested going clubbing. An audible groan erupts beside me, when I look over I see the guy next to me drag his hand down his face.

A chuckle slips through my red rose painted lips.


Coming out from the pain, I see that I'm crouched down looking at the ground. My eyes follow my heads movement and I take my surroundings in. Though, I'm not met by much, all I see is Winter's pained and worried steel blue eyes on my hunched over form. But, what makes me worried is that Winter is showing signs of how I was feeling, I knew he had gone through a similar experience I just did.

Once standing back properly on my boot clad feet, I reposition the gun I held within my hand. It seemed as if we had snapped out of it just in the nik of time too, a voice comes through our small ear piece telling us to make our way to each of our assigned  placements. Once the order had been said, I looked down and started to make sure that all my gear was in the right place and secured tightly. My hands pat my gear behind me, feeling for any lose weapons. After I had confirmed that everything was ready to go, I look up and meet Winter's cold yet warm eyes and give him a short, swift nod confirming I was ready to go.

That confirmation was all that  Winter needed to start walking off first and I soon follow his lead. Our footsteps quiet as we make our way to the side heavy, metallic door leading to the stairwell. Each step we take, we take with precaution not wanting to alert any of the enemy soldiers (If there were any of them around).

When at the door, Winter grabs the silver handle and yanks it open walking through the door way. As I take my steps in also, I see Winter waiting for me but at a different door. I was to take the stairs and Winter was to take the door into the building next to us and up those stairs. Each of our set of stairs leading us to a helicarrier where we would have to stop a target from putting in a disk in the control panels, thus destroying Hydras plans at freedom.

So as I stood deathly still and looked at Winter, a silent convosation being talked between us with our eyes making sure each of us knew to stay safe and careful on our duty. So, With that he opened the door with the hand that he was resting on the handle and fled up the stairs -taking two to three at a time- and out of sight.

A breath of air rushed out my mouth that I didn't know I was holding in and I look up through the middle of the stairwell. The sight of at least sixteen flights of stairs greeted me with a smug face. I knew I could easily do it without breaking a sweat, but after the deal with my head back outside I felt drained. Mentally drained, which made me feel like absolutely shit. Clearing my head with a deep intake of the stuffy air circling the tight space, I started to jog up the steps leading to the top door.


Taking the last step of the stairwell, I look around myself -making sure the coast was clear-       before to the door which was staring at me in the face. I walk over to the door and grab the handle before opening it and peering inside. Once, I saw that nobody was in here (most likely due to the fact hydra was inside and taking over the base) I let myself in fully before taking in my surroundings. A few feet away from me was a dark patch where the light wasn't pointing at. So it was the perfect spot to hide in so when one of the targets entered inside they wouldn't see me.

Not knowing when that time would happen, I quickly make my way over to the shadows and hide behind a large pipe. Waiting for the right moment to pounce and engage with the target to take them down.

Never forgotten ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now