[05] ted

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y/n P.O.V

"ted stop!" i giggled as he kept peppering my face with kisses, we were celebrating me graduating college. four long years of studying just to get a diploma (not sure how it works in america), i'm so glad i have someone like ted to support me. he's been with me for a long time, caring for me the entire time and looking after me. i'm happy i met him when i did, he changed my life and made the person i am today.

"i'm so proud of you," he pulled back from my blushing face, he smiled so sweetly down at me and engulfed me into a hug. "you don't understand how much you mean to me."

"stop, that's dumb. but yeah you mean a lot to me too" i planted a kiss on the tip of his nose, which he crinkled in response to it. "thank you for always being here for me." we held hands as we left to go back to my dorm. i have to start packing so i can get the fuck out of here.

"last one there has to drink cum milk (coconut milk)!" ted screamed as he pushed me away and started racing down the pathway, to which ended up in the lanky boy tripping over his feet and falling. i caught up to him and giggled at the position he as in. i put my hand out towards him signalling for him to reach out. did not go how i thought it would have as he very quickly pulled me down with him. we started laughing together trying to catch our breath. "get fucked loser," he stood up as quick as he could continuing to run away as quickly as he could.

"you little shit," i got up following him to my dorm room. he clearly beat me and jumped into my room and closing the door behind us. "i don't want to drink cum milk, please sir."

"alright fine, let's just start packing."

x time skip x

by the end of the night we were both extremely tired out, just laying on the bed that we still get needed to clear out. obviously it's too much effort right now so we were just laying down, relaxing. bathing in each other's wellbeing, how comfortable we are with each other is what makes this better. it's what makes our relationship good and what keeps us both on our toes.

the silence is disrupted by ruffling of the sheets, ted turned to face me. he put his glasses back on and seemingly admired me, causing me to blush violently. he does this quite a lot, but this time it felt different like it meant something so much more than it usually does. as if he hadn't seen me in years.

"what?" i scrunch my nose as i return his same gaze, sitting up on my elbows so i can see him better.

"nothing, you're just beautiful," he kissed the side of my lip then fell back down onto the bed, pulling me down with him and kissing my cheek. "you're amazing."

"so dumb," i whisper under my breath but return a loving kiss to his shoulder. it must have startled as him as he seemingly jumped out of his skin. "i love you ted,"

the room suddenly feel into a deep silence, i wasn't sure if it was good or bad but so far it felt awkward, uncomfortable. i'm sure nothing bad will happen but the quietness is worrying, he shouldn't feel like he has to say it right now. i mean i didn't even expect myself to say it then, but he's so perfect to me and i really do feel as though he's changed the way i view myself and relationships in my life now. the way i perceive everything, made everything better in my own little world.

"i-i'm sorry- i, you do-" my voice cracked, i turned away from him and fiddled with my fingers out of nervousness. he broke my nervous breaking by lifting my chin and kissing me. it felt like an eternal bliss.

i was taken aback as i felt the warmth of him depart from mine, my lips still slightly parted and my eyes closed shut.

"i love you too y/n," i pulled him into a kiss again. hugging him and pulling him deeper into my arms.

- end

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