[06] cooper

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get stupid

nobody's P.O.V

y/n and cooper were getting ready for a party that their friends had invited them to. it's a going away party for carson, not that he was going to far away he was just headed to australia for a while. the party was in two or so hours, though y/n was bubbling up with excitement, it'll be her first time meeting some of coops friends, she wanted to make a good impression on them so people wouldn't feel as though his girlfriend was a bitch or something. though he'd reassure her everyday that she was perfect, amazing the way she was.

though sometimes things between the, would end up in heated arguments fixed by hugs, kisses and food. though when they'd argue it'd seemingly be over nothing, but they're young. figuring out what works for the both of them is what helped either side, knowing they're growing together.

"COOP, YOU READY?" y/n yelled from their upstairs bathroom, she knew cooper wouldn't have heard her but it was worth a shot. her heeled feet tapped on their wooden floorboards as she raced down the different halls scattered throughout their home. the stairs caused the taps of her shoes to echo loudly as the sound bounced off of the walls surrounding it.

"baby, you ready?" she peered around the door into coopers study, noticing he took one earbud out glancing up at her longingly. he was stunned, the facial expression he held caused the blushing girl to giggle out of embarrassment.

"you look gorgeous, and yeah i'm ready." he grabbed his things skipping out of the room, latching onto y/n's hand, giving her a fright as she trudged alongside him.

as the both of them hopped into the car, a song they both disliked started blaring through the speakers causing them both to groan in dismay.

"fuck this song, what a shit song,"

x time skip x

y/n's P.O.V

we arrived hand in hand to carson's house, we had been waiting in the car for a little due to me getting nervous. i'm nervous to meet his friends, what if they hate me. i hope they don't. i just want to be good enough for him and the people he cares about, though i know they shouldn't necessarily have a reason to dislike me as much as i seem to believe.

cooper squeezed my hand in comfort, continuing with a loud knock on the door. we were greeted by carson's grinning face. doing a stupid hand gesture signaling us to enter.

"welcome to my humble abode," he already seemed quite out of it, we must've come a tad bit late everybody was already having a good time. i hope us arriving at this time doesn't ruin anything.

"babe, follow me. you gotta meet travis," he pulled me into the loud house, the happiness overwhelming me with more excitement, butterflies in my belly honestly.

cooper kept running in and out of hallways, dodging people left, right and centre. he seemed happy though. i'm glad he's in a good mood right now, means things should go a tad bit better by the end of the night, or even in the morning.

"ahh, look who it is," a boy with curly hair stood up from his seat outstretching his arms towards us. "cooper trooper." they hugged, cutest thing i've seen in a while, quite wholesome really.

"oh yeah, this is my girlfriend."

"y/n," i smiled as i waved in a small motion.

"travis," he winked at my direction though his voice cracked slightly whilst introducing himself. i shouldn't have giggled but it was kind of adorable. "hey! i can't help puberty," he playfully punched my arm. ending up in me jokingly dying, falling back onto the couch that he had gotten up from.

"how long have you and cooper been together?" he asked quizzically, seeming genuinely interested in our relationship.

"i think maybe two and a bit years,"

"you make him really happy, you know that right?" i sat up straight with a red tinge on my cheeks. "all he does is talk about you, feels like i met you before i'd even met you. y'know?" we both laughed, me laughing in a sort of dumbfounded way, i love him.

"i had no idea, i only hear him scream in laughter or saying fuck," i whispered 'fuck' giving travis a little chuckle.

"he literally worships you, it's cute."

i hadn't noticed that cooper left whilst me and travis were in conversation, i guess i was so engrossed in talking about my favourite boy that i lost track of where he'd run off to.

"i'll be back, just gonna go find coop," we both waved goodbye to each other as i raced down the halls in search of him.

my feet stumbled along, following after my thoughts. suddenly i seen a small blonde boy moping around in the kitchen, he seemed down. did something happen whilst he had disappeared into the walls of this house.

"hey bub, what's wrong?" i placed an arm on his, going closer towards him. he turned further away from where i was looking at him from. "hey, what's wrong, please tell me?"

"look, can you just piss off for a second," his words hurt me a little as i retracted my hand from his warm body, what happened? what did i do?

"please tell me so i can help,"

"look just go back to fucking travis okay?" he turned his head towards me, his face was distorted in both sadness and anger.

"baby, you know i love you." i took a step closer to him attempting to invoke him into my arms. "we were literally talking about you, silly." his breathing caught in his throat, he must've assumed otherwise. i couldn't hold back a breathy laugh as i pulled him closer into my arms.

"i'm sorry, i just- i don't know what came over me," he looked down towards my comforting face.

"it's okay, let's just go back out there. take me to some more of your friends, let's see if i fall in love with them too." i jokingly fluttered my eyes at him, causing him to chuckle in response.

- end

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