[10] jschlatt

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y/n P.O.V

the open window let wind wisp around my room, causing my curtains to flutter against it, the sound it was producing was soothing as it made me want to fall back into slumber again, but i have to go out today. specifically help my best friend, Jase (obviously i have no clue what schlatt's name), pick out a gift for his lovely girlfriend who is also a good friend of mine. but seeing them together pains me, i wish it didn't but it's difficult considering i've been in love with Jase since the early years of junior. though i understand not all things can go your way, not everything is going to pan out just how you want it to. but it's nice to dream, though it isn't in this situation. Maddy (you can change it if that's your name) is a wonderful friend of mine too. she has helped me with a lot, i could never do anything to cause harm to either one of them.

i hadn't noticed but a tear had made its way down my cheek, wiping it away i smiled to myself. things will be better, i will find someone in the future who will love me the way i love them. sitting up from my frazzled sheets, i started to adjust to my height and breathing, calming myself down in a sense.

my phone sends out a loud noise of a cat meowing, telling me i have a notification. the noise caught me off guard though as i did jump a little. i held my phone in my sweaty palms looking at his name, smiling in return.

jschl@ <3
you still up for today?

of course, when do you want to

jschl@ <3
just meet me at that kebab
shop, then we shall head tf
out from there

okay, see you then stupid
Read 9:15am

by the time we had stopped texting i had decided on a comfortable but nice outfit for today, i mean who am i dressing to impress anymore? myself i guess. i slipped my boots (schlatt boot schlatt boot) on, Jase bought me these a few years ago. possibly one of the best gifts he has given me. i really do appreciate him with all of my heart, i hope one day he realises i will forever be a shoulder to lean on for him.


i dodged the many walls throughout my apartment as i made a hasty exit towards the elevator, needless to say i'm happy to see him and hang out with him today. though i wasn't being very cautious, i bumped into a guy who looked around my age, but very tall.

"oh cr- sorry!" i quickly stuttered over my words as i felt butterflies rising to my stomach out of the response he may give me. his face seemed kind though, as if he thinks he should be apologising to me."

"it's fine, you seem to be in a rush, everything okay?" when he spoke i was surprised, i hadn't expected him to have a british accent, but it was soft and comforting.

"yeah, just going to hang out with some friends, kinda nervous so i'm not really thinking straight," he nodded in understanding. the elevator chimed loudly, as the doors let the lobby in. we continued to walk in silence until he finally spoke.

"well, i'm Will,"

"oh-uh y/n!" i responded in a cheery voice as we finally parted ways, waving a goodbye.

what an odd series of events, he seemed so wonderful. i hope i can see his face more often. i carried on down the streets towards the kebab shop, it was just in sight and i seen the person i had been anticipating just arriving to the store. getting closer to him i started getting nervous. i genuinely have no reason to feel this way but, it's nerve wracking. seeing the person you're in love with waiting for you as if they were also wanting you. he peered up from his feet sending me a short wave as my feet quickly stopped a few feet away from him.

"fancy seeing you here, loser" he chuckled as we started walking together to the shopping centre.

"coincidence, i think not." i raised my finger to get my point across, causing us both to laugh at how stupid the joke was. "so what are we getting her?"

"not gonna lie, i just wanted an excuse to hang out with you, i miss my best friend," ever since him and maddy had been going further into their relationship he has been quite distant.

"oh, well you can hang out with me whenever i hope you know that," i smiled up to him as he peered down at me, returning the same gesture.

we went to eb games first, he was telling me about a really fun but dumb game that him and his friends had been playing for quite some time. it was about you being a goose, doing goose things. he wanted to show me it, most likely wanting me to buy it so i can understand what's going on in his gaming life. though a goose game seems like an all time low.

"look i found it," he wavered me towards him with a maniacal grin on his face, doing the stupid laugh that made my heart feel warm.

i hadn't noticed the time, though things had gone by very quickly as we had left from the game shop a few hours ago. maddy was texting him the whole time, though she knew where she was i presume she was worried about him. i have no clue why, but it kind of changed his demeanour for the rest of the day that we had left.he chose to ignore it, finally sitting down with me to eat.

"anything new going on in your life?" he asked genuinely being curious.

"no, still boring," he laughed not knowing what to say.

"i think i should tell you this now," he put his food down staring at his hands, he looked so nervous. "i liked you for a long time before me and maddy were together, and those feelings won't go away. so i'm sorry that i cut you off, i was just trying to figure stuff out."

i didn't know how to respond to that, it's difficult hearing it considering the circumstances. i wish that i could just burst out how much i love him, and how much i need him. "it's ok, i get you dude." i smiled towards him which seemed to lift his mood a bit more. mine not so much, it felt like things were different between us now, though nothing should be. i just wish i could have the courage to tell him.

"y/n, i love you, thank

- end
i'm sorry, this was kind of a vent
just needed to let things out a bit.

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