OneDirection fanfic 'from Nothing to Everything'

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Niamh's POV

"cooool" I say putting anouther spoonfull of cornflakes in my mouth.

"I love Harry soooo much though! His eyes are so gorgous! But Niall he's so Cute and his preatty Blue eyes are so....WOW" My cousin Charlotte caried on her usual rant about who she loved most out of One Direction. I knew I shouldnt of asked.... I glanced over at Katie as she looked at her twin like she was insane.

"no no no all wrong, Justin is More Gorgous than Harry" She said sighing. Uh oh this is not gunna end well. Charlotte kicked katie, Which made her squel. Katie Kicked charlotte back and then soon they were kicking eachover like mad. I sighed and got up, Putting my plate in the dishwasher. I cant belive they are older than me. I'll tell you about us,

My name Is Niamh, Im 15 and my life goal is to become a vetanary nurse, Well  thats what my dad wants me to be so i just go along with it. I like One Direction And Justin Bieber But I love the Janoskians. I'm shy but once you get to know me i'm Loud. Charlotte and Katie are my cousins and we have been really close since we were little. I have golden blonde hair which falls down to my waist. I have really blue eyes and I quite childish :D

Charlotte's 17 and her Dream is to beacome a singer, So she is auditioning this year!! She is very loud. ALL THE TIME. And her and Katie always sing around the house, They are amazing but only Charlotte has the confidence to actual use it.She has sholder lenght blonde hair and has Bluey-Green eyes, She is sooo skinny and is really preatty.

Katie's 17 and her Dream is to make Beautifull Babys with Justin Bieber. She is also loud but not all the time, She's the type person people always like. seen as she is Charlottes identical twin she also has Bluey-Green eyes and is really skinny but she has longer blonde hair which just passes her cheast. And is also really preatty.

"Niaaaaaaaaaaamh?" Charlottes call snaps me back into reality.

"ugh yeah" I say spinning around to see her behind me. She laughed

"Guess when Im going to audition!?"

"Next year?" i guess

"Nah next week!!" She ses jumping up and down and squeeling.

"You finally got a place to audition!" i ask exitedly. She nods and we both jump up and down exitedly. Katie Sprints in and Joins in jumping.

"You know what we should do!" i say

"What?" They both ask at the same time, Freaky.


"YEAH" Charlotte ses.


"What about this?" I ask holding up a blue top and some white shorts. 

"THATS PERFECT" Charlotte sqweekes. I pass it to her and she runs of to buy it.

I laugh and look over at Katie who's looking at a pair of jeans.

"I cant belive she's actually going to the Xfactor! Its so exiting!!!!" i say happly

"I know right! I wish I was her now!" She replies gigling.

Liam's POV

"Harry put some clothes on! Our manager will be here any minuit!" I yell to the nacked boy who was making a sandwhich. He sighed and dumped the sandwitch on a chopping board and wandered of to get dressed. Niall soon grabbed the sandwhich and started eating it. I chuckled and sat down next Louis who was watching a cooking show intently.

"no not the carrots" He muttered as the presenter cut up some carrots and put them in a pot of boiling water. I heard The Bathroom door open and Zayn came over and sat next to us yawning.

"NIALL DID YOU EAT MY FUCKING SANDWITCH?" I heard Harry yell. We all burst out laughing as Niall came sprinting out of the Kitchen and hid behind us. A knock at the door stopped our laughing fit. I    quikly got up and opened it to see our manager standing there.

"Hello!" i say stepping out the way so he could get in.

"Hello boys, I have some good news!" he said hapily We all gavered around him. "Your gunna be doing a peformance on the Xfactor!!" he ses exitedly. YEEES

"GET IN!" Louis yelled fist pumping.

OneDirection fanfic 'from Nothing to Everything'Where stories live. Discover now