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Charlotte Pov

We all stood on the stage waiting for the place's to be announced, my mind wandered thinking about how i  just met the five most perfect boys ever created. Ever since i saw those boys on X facor I have loved them. As stupid as it may sound, they are the reson i'm the way i am. I was nugded back into reality by Chloe who was squeeling with joy.

"WE GOT THROUGH" She yelled as her and the others callopsed onto me in a bone crushing group hug. I   looked around confused before realising what was going on. WE GOT THROUGH! I hugged them back before turning to the other contensts, giving them all a quick hug before we all walked of to the side of the stage nervously. I bit my nails, although our sylst who has just been hired, Susan, would kill me if she saw.

Katie POV

Niamh and I sat silently staring at the Tv screen, well Niamh was freaking out, well she did bascily everytime she saw anything remotly like OneDirection or the Janoskians. Charlotte had just been on stage with ONE DIRECTION without freaking out or fainting Well she did try and run away which was hilarous. Not only that but she sung her heart out in her and her bandmates performance, I cant belive my twin could be capable of something that amazing! I tore my eyes away from the tv screen and pulled my phone out of my pocket, Knowing Charlotte had gotten through, I clicked up twitter and started reetweeting random things. I quikly typed in and sent '#Xfactor AMAZING! Bowties is sooo going to win! Best band ever!' grinning to myself i clicked onto Charlottes fan account of the boys. all her recent tweets were about the boys, like 'Niall is my speacil snowflake' and so on. I wounder what the boys would do if they knew she was secreatly, 100% in love with them. hehe. I click of twitter and look back at the tv screen, to see it was adverts, it must of just ended. 


"Calm down Niamh!" My nan said carmly smiling sweetly, Niamh did as she was told but i could tell she was still freaking out, I giggled at her exprestion.

charlotte POV

We all came of stage happily, Unfortunatly a girl named Gemma left, she seemed sweet but i had never talked to her. I saw Harry leaning up against our dressing room door, Louis was running around like a crazy person and Niall sat on the floor with Liam and Zayn talking. Harry looked up and saw us and smiled, showing his adorable dimples.

"WOOOOOO YOU GOT THROUGH!" he yelled happily pulling us into a big hug. I giggled, Jesus i've been doing that alot! The others escaped from the hug, I tried to wriggle myself out but Harry held onto me tightly. He started laughing as i squirmed like crazy in his arms, trying to push my way out, although i wish i could stay there forever.

"Haaaaarry can i go please?" I ask turning around so i was facing him in his arms, I put on puppy eyes.

"Umm no, i like this" he said grinning cheekily. I blushed and started spinning in his arms.

"What are you doing?" he asked laughing.

"Trying to escape" I stated smiling. He chuckled and i felt myself becoming light.

"HARRY PUT ME DOWN!" I sqeeled as he ran into the dressing room, where everyone else had already gone. I heard Chloe laugh at me as i pounded on harrys back lightly with my fists. I heard anouther door open. SHIT THE POOL! We have a pool which is linked to all the dressing rooms, its inside.

"HARRY STYLES DONT YOU D-" I was cut of by the feeling of crashing into water. I surfaced to see Harry in histerics by the side of the pool. I swam to the edge of the pool and playfully glared at him, which made him laugh more. He puts a hand down for me to take, to help get out of the pool. BIG MISTAKE STYLES! I pulled him down into the pool, causing water to fly everywhere. I laughed like crazy as he surfaced with wet curls. I try and run away in the water, splashing my arms like crazy, I could hear him jumping after me. I could feel some hands on my waist so i sqeeled and splashed around. I felt him hugging me from behind, and some loud laughing. I turned to see Chloe, Zayn, Maria, Niall, Louis, Poppy and Liam all watching us in histerics. I blush and pull away from Harry and hop to the side of the pool. I clambered out, My face bright red.

"Aww Charlotte's embarresed!" Niall said grinning, making me blush more, causing him to chuckle.


A/N so did you like that? feel free to comment, fan or vote :) Thankyoou so much for reading! Sorry that its so bad! 

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