Getting out of the pool

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Charlotte POV

I stood by the edge of the pool, my clothes were soaked and my hair had water driping of, making a puddle on the smooth tiles. 

"I'm going to get changed" i say laughing at myself "Harry there is some not to girly clothes in the wadrobe if you want to change to." He chuckles and clambers out of the pool to. I jog into our dressing room and pick up a pair of shorts and a floaty shirt, i walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind me and quikly dried myself and pulled on the clothes. I quikly redid my makeup as it looked a bit messy and sprayed some perfume, and walked back out to see harry with no shirt on walking about as if it was normal. I  gaped at his top half not realising he was watching me. I was brought back into reality by his laugh. I blushed and looked at the ground. 

"sorryiwillgooutsidesorryididntmeantosorry!" i say quikly and shuffle to the pool room door still looking at the ground as Harry just chuckled at me. I quikly swung the door open and run out. Maria was still gauping at Zayn, Poppy sat talking to Louis on a sunbed and Chloe was texting in the corner, probably on twitter. I walked over to her and she looked up and laughed as she saw my red cheeks.

"What happened?" She asks.

"You dont want to know" i sigh, she laughs lightly and puts her phone away. I sit next to her on the floor.

"Sooooo.... HARRY SO LIKES YOU!" She squeels a little to loudly, so everyone turns over to look at us, grinnning like fools they are. I blush even more.

"No way, im like u-g-l-y and  hes so... perfect!" i say quietly back. 

"Your beautifull" a voice behind me said I turned around to see Harry standing there grinning like a fool. I blushed and looked at the floor.

"Why dont you belive it? Your the most beautifull girl i have ever seen!" I looked up at him, His cheeks were turning a bright red. I giggled and stood up hugging him. He nuzzles his head into my neck.

"Charlotte?" he asks


"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks smilling, showing his ever so cute dimples. I smile back at him.

"Of course" I reply and Chloe threw herself on us in a group hug. I giggled and hugged them both. Soon everyone was in a massive group hug, with me and Harry is the middle. I laughed as they all let go and we all just akwardly stood there. Intill my phone rung so i jogged of to find it. I looked around the floor throwing random tops out of the way intill i found it, I instantly clicked 'accept' not even bothering to look at the caller id

"Heey Charlotte you were amazing!" Jacob voice rang through the phone, making me smile.

"HIIII aww thanks! YOU NEVER GUESS WHAT!!" I squeel.

"WHAT!" he asks getting exited

"I'M DATING HAARY STYLES!" I yell happily. I heard laughing from behind me and a pair of arms snaking around my waist.

"oh... wooo you have liked him for ages!" He replys very uninfusiastic. 

"Hehehe yep!"

"Well Charlotte I have to go speak to you tommorow or something. Bye" He ses quikly, the phone line cuts and i look at Harry, he also looks confused.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N I know ,I know Its shit . So do you like? Feel free to comment, fan, vote and all that awsome stuff. Thankyou for reading!

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