Whats going on?

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Charlotte POV

Tulisa led us unto the stage, I looked around confused, are we doing a sing of? Oh my jesus im going to fail. They smiled at us as they took their normal seats.

"Hello, You must be woundering whats going on! Well this year we have two things called chance cards, We are alound to make two groups, A boy band and A girl band you are the Girl Band of course, well if you want to be?" Tuslisa ses smiling. We all burst out screaming with joy.

"Oh my god, oh my god, CHARLOTTE! WE ARE IN A BAND!" Chloe yelled sprinting over and hugging me. I giggle and look around at the rest of the girls. Poppy was really preatty, She has long brown straight hair and big brown eyes. Maria has sholder lenght died red hair and bright green eyes. And Chloe, she has waist long Black hair, And Beautifull blue eyes. They all seemed nice. This is gunna be fun.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Charlotte wake the fuck up you need to get ready to go to Tulisa's house!" Katie said shaking my sholders. I groaned and crawled out of bed. Katie laughed and dragged my ready packed suitcases downstaires while i had a shower. i got changed into jeans and a tshirt and walked downstairs, I said goodbye to my family and Jumped into the taxi, which was taking me to the airport, with my stuff.

I arrived at the airport to see all the other xfactor contestants waiting for me.  Jacob grins and shakes his head at me, Pointing to his non igsistant watch on his wrist. His new band mates all laugh. Oh yeah, Jacob was also told him and some others are in a new band! Chloe and my new band mates sprint over to me and hug me. I laugh.

"Hiya people!"  I say smiling at them.

"Hiiiii!!" they reply in unison, Woah creapy.

"This is so exiting!" Poppy ses jumping up and down. 

"Groups this way please" anouther man with a suit said, we followed him with our bags and walked onto our plane heading to a suprise destination. I sit next to Chloe at the back of the area of the plane. While the man with the suit put our bags away.

"I wounder where tulsisa's home will be!" Chloe ses exitedly.

"Hopefully in somewhere like America!" I reply crossing my fingers. She squeels in exitment.

"Oh my god THATS WHERE JUSTIN BIEBER IS!!" I laugh at her and lean against my seat.

"Oh god we have to put up with this" Maria ses solemly from behind us. 

"This is gunna be soo fun!" Poppy ses exitedly clapping her hands.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We all clambered of the plane clutching our bags. Poppy had like 50 i swear to god. The mantion was masive, Surrounded by a crystal blue river.  You could see for miles, as it was ontop of a massive hill.  I quikly took in the amazing veiw and sprinted after the other girls who were looking for  a good room. I found them in a large room with two bunkbeds. I flung myself onto a top bunk of the one nearest the door.

"They are so comfy!" I say relaxing, The others laugh at me as i go to sleep.


A/N Hello, its been sooo long! You like? LOVE YOU! Have a great day!

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