Mystery Guests performing...

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Niamh's POV

"You'll never love yourself,

Half as much as I love you,

You'll never treat yourself right darlin',

But i want you to,

"If I let I let you knooow, 

I'm here for you,

Mabey you'll love yourself,

Like i love you-" The beautifull song Little things was interupted by someone pulling my headphone's of. i groaned and looked up to see Katie grinning like crazy. What the fudge? 

"CHARLOTTE'S PERFORMANCE IS STARTING! COME ON COME ON!" She yelled pulling me of the sofa and out of the conservatary i was sitting in, relaxing. I ran into the living room with her to see my Nan and Grandad sitting on the edge of their seats smiling at the tv. My nan had a tissue in her hand and there were tear stains on her cheeks, Bless them. I sat next to Katie on the sofa and looked at the Tv, Dermet stood smiling ushering of a boy singer. It was the first of the live shows so everyone was really nervous, although we all knew Charlotte had and amazing voice. I wish i could do something like that! I'm so shy i would probably freak out on stage and cry. Ugh why did i have to be the shy one. I blink quikly, breaking out of my daydream. I looked to see Charlotte walking on stage, Her hair hunge loose as she stood in a long bluey-grey dress.Her band also looked preatty as they walked on to. i heard my nan start crying again as she started singing.

Charlotte POV

Chloe finished the song and the crowd started clapping, We all smiled at the camera and then turned to dermet. He put his arm around us for a large hug as he spoke.

"To vote for BowTies add 07" We waved at the camera's and walked of stadge. THAT WAS SO SCARY! 

"So who do you think the supries performance is?" Poppy asked playing with her hair and smiling.

"I have no idea" I say trying to think of who it may be.

"Couldnt they of just told us! I mean its not like we are going to tell everyone!" Maria said frustrated.

"Can't wait to see who it is!" Chloe added spinning around in a circle. I laughed at her and pulled my phone out from my bag. 

4 new messages

the first was from My nan, bless her! 

You were amazing up there Dotty!-Nanny x x

awwww! I opened the next one from Jacob

wooaaaaah that was brilliant! Preatty as always ;) - The awsome one

I gigled and opened the next from Katie then one from my mum saying, brilliant or amazing. I smiled at them and put my phone away. And chewed my nails. 

"five minuits intill the mystery guests are performing!" A voice boamed.

"GUESTS!" I sqeel exitedly.

"FIVE MINUITS!" Chloe yelps clapping her hands.

 "Who do you think they are?" Maria ses "OH MY GOD WHAT IF ITS ONEDIRECTION?!"

"SHIT" I yell concidering the best way to escape if it was them. The others laugh at me.

"Oh you, why dont you want to meet them?" Poppy asks flinging an arm around my sholders.

"Because im ugly and they wont like me." i say looking at the ground

"CHARLOTTE HILL! Never say that again! You are gorgous!" Chloe says smiling.

"I would give anything to look like you!" Maria adds, i blush and grin.

"You guys are the best!" I say pulling them into a group hug. 

"WELCOME ON STAGE TONIGHTS MYSTERY GUEEEEEEST!" We all look at eachover and run to the edge of the stage to see the performers. When i saw them i nearly shat myself.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N DUN DUN DUN hehehe :D Soooo did you like that? Who is it? What will happen? i'll update tomorrow or saturday beacause i cant wait to write more! Love you all! Sorry its so crappy : ( Im tierd and im writing this while i'm watching the imbertweeners movie ;) so ya know, Thankyou sooo much for reading!

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