Judges houses

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Charlottes POV

We got home eventually after talking to Caroline for like for ever! Ugh it was hell she made us play a stupid game with her. I got out of our car and walked into our house. I sprinted to my room and flopped onto my bed and stared at all my One Direction posters, That stared back at me. Thats when it sunk in  I GOT THROUGH!! I jumped up and down screaming with joy, oh dear im mad.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Jump 3 xfactor episodes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(A/N I have compleately forgot how it all goes so im litrally just guessing what happened's in the X-Factor!)

I finshed my song to see everyone clapping, i smiled out, use to this happening, although it still amazes me.

"Thankyou!" Nichole ses wipping a tear from her eye. Oh my jesus I made her cry! I smiled and walked of stage to see all the other auditonies sitting around talking nervously. It would mean the world to me if i got to judges house's! But their are probably much better people. I sigh and sit next to a happy brunette who was texting. 

"Hiya" she ses smiling

"Hi" i reply. 

"Arent you Charotte?" She asks looking at me.

"Yeaaah" I say grinning

"Wow your amaaazing!" I blush at the complement.

"My names Chloe by the way" She ses just as doors open and a man holding a clipboard walked in. 

"Will the following people walk this way please," He ses loudly and everyone went silent. "Kyle Bartman, Susan Holly, Maria Jones, Daniel Carlton and James gorad" He finished and people stood up and walked over to him and they diapered in the direction of the stage.

"oh my god im scared!" Chloe ses biting her nails. I nod and look at the ground when i hear anouther door open. 

"Will the following people also walk this way please" i look up to see the man with clipboard back again. I sighed and listened intently.

"Carli Field, Philip Carter, Charlotte Hill, Poppy Lane, Jacob Smith and Kylie Hops " I sighed and stood up nervously.

"Good Luck!" She ses with a small smile. I walk over to the man with the clipboard, just as all the others did.

"Follow me please" he ses walking towards the stage, We all follow him , A boy with brown hair turned up into a small quif smiled at me. I smilled smally back.

"Hi Im Jacob Smith" He ses grinning.

"Hiya Im Charlotte hill" i reply quitley. We smile at eachover and make our way onto the stage where everyone else had walked to. The Judges all sat in their seats smilling smally up at us.Oh my jesus im going home, My life is ruined- My thought were interupted by someone holding my hand. i glanced down and realised it was Jacob's hand. He smiled at me.

"Dont worry, Your an amazing singer! They would be crazy to let you go." He wispered and i blushed. A  loud cough interupted us. 

"Anyway, This year many contestents have been very talented, We hate having to let some go but, its what we have to do, As amazing as you guys are, Im sorry but we have to let you go.." gary said sadly. tears fell from my eyes and I started crying badly. The man with a clipboard ushered us into a room, were i asum all of the people who got kicked out would go. I sat next to Jacob, silently crying. Our dreams had been shattered.


We sat in silence for i dont know how long intill the room was filled with sobbing people. When to our suprise the judges walked in.

"Hello, We are very sorry, all of you are amazing and we are sad to let you go. But please may the following people come with me and Tulisa" Nichole said sadly.

"Chloe bloomfield, Charlotte Field, Poppy Lane, Maria Jones" Tulisa ses smiling

"And please may the followng people follow me and Louis" Gary ses

"Jacob Smith, Daniell Youngs, William Pole,Ryan Mayland and Liam Chaar" Louis ses. I smile at Jacob and walk towards Tulisa while he goes to Gary.Jesus whats going on?

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