part eight ~ oh, professor (3)

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{Alternate Universe where Loki survives Infinity War and wants a simple life; Stephen Strange is a professor at a high-end university as well as the Sorcerer Supreme; the Avengers have retired. set after Avengers: Endgame. part three of five.}


It was as if something clicked. The switch had been teetering between on and off but now, I felt as though it had been broken and was now permanently on.

Stephen's hand grasped the back of my neck and his other one reached for mine. He brought his hand up and our palms pressed together. Slowly, he intertwined our fingers near our faces. He was gazing at me so intently, I could feel the radiation of heat from his body seep into my skin. My lips parted as my breaths shallowed.

"I thought you'd never admit it," he whispered.

We were sitting so close that our lips were only a few inches apart. Our breathing intermingled between us, and our eyes were so fixated on each others' that I barely noticed his whisper.

My heart thundered in my chest.

Stephen placed my hand on his thigh, high up next to his crotch. I gripped his leg.

My other hand slipped up and cupped his jaw.

I crossed my legs to try and suppress the heat in between them. It didn't work.

Then, with the swift closure of his hand, Stephen brought my lips to his. I felt fireworks behind my eyelids and my entire heart swooped down and back up again. Frantic, I reached to snatch at something, with the hand that had been gripping his thigh. I slipped my hand between the buttons of his shirt and grazed my fingernails over his side, my fingers roaming his goosebump-ridden skin.

His lips were heaven against my own. The lust behind them was infuriating me in the most pleasurable way. The hand that had been, up until now, holding my neck, was tangled in my hair. He bit my bottom lip softly and I opened my mouth, allowing his tongue to dominate mine.

I let out a moan, and my hand delved further over Stephen's delicious body, dipping down to skim the band of his underwear. I pulled at his belt but his hand caught mine. Our lips parted with a pop.

"We can't do that here."

I grinned, completely breathless with lust. His eyes were dark and his hair mussed. I glanced down at my watch and immediately my irritation swelled. I growled.

"My next class starts in ten minutes."

"I'll walk you there," Stephen offered, tracing a finger over my cheekbone. His thumb fiddled my bottom lip.

I summoned our jackets and my satchel from the staff room. We stood and I handed him his jacket, sighing. I adjusted my satchel on my shoulder.

"That was fun." I smiled at him. He smirked.

"It doesn't have to stop being fun," he told me. He reached for my hand and I laced my fingers in between his. "Come on."

We walked close together, occasionally stealing glances. I was glad there wasn't a rule against dating colleagues at the university, or else we'd be screwed. Something about walking with Stephen, as our shoulders brushed, as his trembling gripped mine, I knew that this wasn't the kind of relationship that wandered into your hands every day. I had to run after it and catch it, and remember to continue nourishing it. We both had to.

And I didn't mind. The chase was the fun bit.

"Well, here's your class." Stephen came to a stop in front of my door, and stood to face me. "With three minutes to spare."

"Would you come for dinner with me this evening?" I asked desperately, taking a step closer to him. "In New Asgard?"

He raised his hand and ran a finger up my neck to my chin, where his hand curled around my jaw. He kissed me. His lips pressed so softly to mine. I furrowed my eyebrows at the intense, gentle embrace. They were still knitted together as he pulled away. He blinked a few times.

"I'd love to," he whispered. I smiled wide.

His deep blue gaze sought mine and I watched his tongue flick out to lick his lips. I untangled my hand from his and looked for my keys, rummaging hurriedly in my satchel. With a grin, I pulled them out and quickly fiddled the lock. The door swung open.

"Coffee?" I gestured inside.

"If your next class won't mind," he teased, smiling.

"Would yours?"

"I don't have any more this afternoon."

My jaw dropped. "Not fair." I stepped inside, shaking my head and he followed, laughing.

"If it's any consolation, my Fridays are so full I don't have time for lunch."

"I'll have to bring some for you," I said, catching his eye mischievously as I grabbed two mugs from the small cupboard next to my desk. I flicked the kettle on.

"So we're really gonna do this?"

I shrugged. "What do you say, Dr. Stephen Strange?" I turned to him and slid my hands under his suit jacket onto his hips, pressing myself against him. "Care to be my boyfriend?"

He tilted his head to the side and copied my shrug. "You know, I'll have to think about -"

I hissed and bruised his lips with mine for a moment. "Don't you dare." I tightened my grip on his hips.

He stared down at me. Giggling sounded from the doorway. He lifted his lips to my ear. "We've got company."

Reluctantly, I removed my hands from him and turned around to pour coffee into our mugs. I shot a low, annoyed look at the students by the door. Stephen crossed his arms and sat on the edge of my desk, his eyes flicking between me and the group, extremely amused.

I rolled my eyes and handed him his coffee, taking a sip of my own and walking to the front of the class, gesturing at the empty seats with a wave of my hand.

"Alright, you lot. Choose a seat. It doesn't matter where, but if I catch you snogging in the back row while I'm reading Romeo and Juliet, I'm going to move you."

"I'd like to snog you in the back row while you read Romeo and Juliet," came a husky voice at my ear with a hand on my back.

I almost choked on my coffee. I set it down and smacked my lips, turning to Stephen, who was smirking.

"I am not going to be able to teach with you in here," I whispered, narrowing my eyes good-naturedly.

"Oh, but I want to watch," he said cheekily. He winked. "I'll stay out your way."

I sighed and watched as he sat down on my chair and spun around. I turned back to my class, who sat chatting. It was a small group. I can do this, I thought, clenching my fists. Right?

"Silence, please," I called out. After a few sniggers, everyone fell quiet. "As I'm sure you all know, I'm Professor Odinson and you're here to learn about English literature." My gaze flicked to Stephen. "We are joined today by Professor Strange. Greet him, won't you?"

There was an unenthusiastic chorus of, "Afternoon, Professor Strange," as I loped behind Stephen to my bookshelf and skimmed my fingers over the spines of my books. I felt a pinch on my ass and I jumped, snapping my head around to scowl at him.

"I am going to throw you out," I growled.

He wouldn't wipe his smug smile off his face. "But your perky little ass was right in my face."

I dragged a hand over my eyes and groaned. Suddenly, I laughed. I looked up to find all my students staring at the pair of us as we bantered. I'd momentarily forgotten they were there.

I pulled at one of Stephen's hairs as I walked back past him with the book I'd been looking for. He mumbled a curse word and I suppressed my satisfied smile.

"Turn to page six, please."

This was going to be a very long lesson.


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