part thirty ~ king of my heart

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This fic makes use of every lyric from King Of My Heart by Taylor Swift.

Loki's Point Of View

Before I met Stephen Strange my life was completely different to the way it is now. Dull in comparison. I was perfectly fine, I lived on my own, I'd made up my mind: I'm better off being alone.  I'd been bashed and bruised by the loves in my life and felt that every person I'd let into my heart had chosen the path to break it instead of cherish it. I'd accepted defeat for the first time in my existence.

We met a few weeks ago and I'd felt the spark like I never had before. Meeting Stephen had sprouted new colour in dismal leaves I'd been staring at my whole life. Feelings felt electric and swooping and his touch on my skin made everything but him evaporate from my mind. Our friendship blossomed and the quirky wittiness we both had was accentuated by the tension we both felt.

We were made fun of, playfully, by our teammates and family, and the longing for this slow burn to end spread to the people we surrounded ourselves with.

Now you try on calling me baby, like trying on clothes. Sitting alone with Stephen, our banter flirtatious and fun, the tension crashed and imploded within us - resulting in our first kiss.

It was like, as I told him that same day, "All at once, you are the one I have been waiting for."

The king of my heart, body and soul. His eyes held nothing but affection and I knew in that moment there was nothing I had to hide from him; everything would come out, we had the time.

"All at once, you're all I want, I'll never let you go," he'd breathed into my ear, his hot breath spreading goosebumps of luxurious pleasure over my neck.

Our connection deepened and most of our nights were spent together, and we ruled the kingdom inside my room. The slower moments, after the event of our passionate reciprocations, my mind wandered and stewed on the rarity of our love, 'cause all the boys in their expensive cars, with their range rovers and their Jaguars never took me quite where you do.

Once the unknown of a new relationship had passed into a state of smitten adorance, the sexuality of us changed. We spent every dark hour in ardent inseparability.

"So prove to me, I'm your American queen," I'd gasped out.

He'd chuckled, "And you move to me like I'm a Motown beat."

Because all at once you're the one I've been waiting for. And I could not have felt luckier.

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