Chapter 6

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Cecilia's P.O.V

These past few days has been nothing but the best days of my life. Ever since that night, I've never been but happy and always in a good mood. Eli and all of my staff noticed and asked me if something happened, which of course I answered with just a 'yes'. Since our relationship is a secret, I can't just freely kiss him and touch him whenever I want and that frustrates me.

I finally have him, and yet he's too close yet so far away. I got inside the car and he followed suit, both of us sitting in a safe distance between each other. For the love of all things, what is this torture? I move close to him with an excuse that the sun is directly hitting my side and it's painful on my skin. I saw him smirk, probably knowing the real reason. Thinking that what I'm doing is somewhat pathetic and embarrassing or something, I move back to my original spot.

"On second thought, I need vitamin D." I explain, noticing that Eli and Dimitri look at me questioningly, even Robert glance at me from the rear view mirror. But, seriously though I can't even open my eyes properly, because it's too bright. I lean my elbow on the door but it would always slip due to a bumpy road. I huff in annoyance and just close my eyes though my eyelids didn't help that much and I'm now seeing red. After a minute of torture, it suddenly became dimmer.

"Huh?" I open my eyes only to see a lady in the magazine smiling at me. I look at Dimitri, who is now sitting closely next to me, holding the magazine in front of me to protect me from the sun. My heart soar with happiness. "You don't have to do that." I said shyly.

He looks at me and smile. "I don't mind."

"But your hands will get ti-" I was cut of with Eli's loud voice.

"We're here!" Why does she have to shout? I look at her, but she's already outside and slam the door rather harshly.

I roll my eyes. "Your admirer is jealous." I said and was about to open the door when Dimitri spoke.

"I guess I should console her." He said teasingly. I let go of the handle and look back at him. "What?" He ask, feigning innocence.

"Nothing. Let's go." I said and this time, completely step foot outside the car. I ignore Elizabeth and went in the office. I sat down on my chair and starts checking my emails, Elizabeth came in moments later with a tablet on hand.

"You have six appointments today, three for bridal gowns, two for debut gowns and 1 for a birthday dress for a ten year old girl." She said. I thank her without looking at her and dismiss her. She's not the only one who can have attitude here, if she continue with this disrespect then I have to replace her. I continue on with my work until she comes and notify me for my first client.

My day was spent measuring sizes one after another and gave it to my designer to be taken care of, I finish all my appointment half past six and the only people left are: me, Dimitri, Eli, Robert and the security guard downstairs. All my employees' usually clock-out at six o'clock and that's why it's just us here. I'm still in my sketching table, drawing variety of dresses for the ten year old girl, she didn't like all the sketches I showed her and ask me with puppy eyes to draw her more and she wants it designed by me. Aside from food and books, kids are one of my weakness too, so in the end I agreed and here I am now, so far I sketched three different dresses and I'm planning to do two more just in case. After I finalized the third sketch, I stretched my limbs before going out to get some coffee in the kitchen, I was about to open the door when I heard voices.

"-and I think now is the right time to tell you this." This is Eli's voice, don't tell me she's talking to Dimitri? "I like you Dimitri and if somehow you feel the same way, maybe we-" I open the door and both of them look at me surprise. Dimitri is holding a mug of coffee on his right hand and his left hand trying to pull back his tie, which Eli was holding onto. Eli let go of his tie and back up a bit, I cleared my throat and proceed to do what I really came here for. I made my coffee without acknowledging them both and went back to my office, but before I could get in, I saw Robert with a troubled face and he seems concern about something, I look at the time and it's now eight o'clock in the evening.

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