Chapter 8

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Cecilia's P.O.V

I just finish changing when someone knock on my door. "Come in." I heard my door click and Dimitri came in, locking the door behind him.

"I was just on the phone with you father. I told him what happened yesterday." He said and went inside my walk-in closet and came out seconds later with my luggage.

"Okay, what are you doing?" I ask, confused.

"You're not safe here at the moment, I'm taking you to my house. I told your father I'll take you to a hotel though, it's not like I don't trust him, but we can't just risk it." He said and lay the luggage on my bed.

"For how long?"

"At least a week. You'll be more safe at home since my dad and brothers are there, they can protect you while I investigate all the workers in this manor." He explains. "Don't tell anyone about this okay? Even Mary."

"Okay. I don't really understand anything right now, but I'll do whatever you say." I said and went inside my closet to get clothes good for a week.

"Thank you. We'll leave when you're done packing all that you need." He said and kiss my temple.

I did pack everything I needed and soon as I finish I called Dimitri who readied his own vehicle outside. He came back and carry my luggage. At the end of the stairs, Eli, Martha and some of the servants gather.

"Miss, we heard that you'll be staying at a hotel downtown at the moment." Martha spoke first.

"Yes Martha. I'll be back as soon as everything is fine." I said and hug her. I look at Eli. "You can go ahead to the office Eli, I'll see you there." Though I'm not sure if Dimitri wants me to work while I stay at his house. I bid my goodbye to them and soon we're on our way to is house, Dimitri was holding my hand the whole ride while my focus was on the scenery outside. After an hour ride, we are outside the red tall gate, it opened after Dimitri pressed a button on his car and it inside was a beautiful two storey house. Dimitri park his car in the garage where two more cars were park.

We are now on our way to the front door when realization hit me. I stop dead track and squeeze his hands tightly.

"What's wrong?" He ask and cup my face.

"Dimitri, I'm-I'm meeting your family." I said nervously. "Dimitri, oh gosh."

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, they're excited to meet you actually." He said and hug me.

I push him slightly so that I could look at him. "Do they know about us?"

"Yes. I had to tell them the truth or they won't just let you in and stay here, since this is our home. People who we work for are not allowed here, ask dad if you're curious why."

"Okay. I'm nervous, but I can do this. Just don't leave my side okay?" He just nodded and we continue our way to the front door. Before he could grab the handle, a middle aged woman, who is so beautiful by the way, open the door.

"Is this her?" She ask as soon as she open the door.

"Hello to you too mom." Dimitri say sarcastically and chuckle. "Yes, this is Cecilia." The woman squeal and hug me tightly, I was so taken aback but hug her nonetheless.

"It's so nice to finally meet you my dear! Come in, come in." She said and drag me inside their house. "Angelo! They're here!" She yelled and continue dragging me towards the living room.

"Ah! I didn't introduce myself, how rude of me. I'm Samantha Branson, Dimitri's mother." She said, still holding my hand.

"Nice to meet you ma'am" I said shyly.

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