LOSER Chapter 20

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4 years later

(Once again, apologies for the time skip but y'know.... the book is almost over)

Richie paced the length of the hotel room nervously, waiting for Eddie to return from Beverly's. He checked the time again. It hadn't changed from the last ten times he'd checked. His stomach churned; what if Eddie said no? He couldn't live with himself if he was turned down.

Finally, he heard the door open. "Eds! Finally!" he called, running to his boyfriend. "Hey, Chee. Are you going to tell me why it was so urgent that we visit Derry for the first time in two years, and I have to wear a suit?!?!?" Eddie said. "Nope. C'mon," Richie replied, striding to the door and opening it, holding it for Eddie to go first.

"Oh, hang on Spaghetti!" Richie exclaimed. Eddie turned. "What?" "Where we're going is a surprise. You need a blindfold." Eddie groaned but came closer, allowing Richie to secure the blindfold over his eyes. He led Eddie to the car and helped him in. Then they were off. After a silent ten-minute drive, they arrived at the trail leading to the quarry. 

Richie decided to carry Eddie until they got to the cliff. "Are we where I think we are?" Eddie asked, curiosity in his voice.  Richie merely smiled and took off the blindfold, setting Eddie down on his feet gently. "Oh! We are!" Eddie exclaimed happily. They admired the beautiful night sky that they'd admired so many times in the past; it was a clear summer night. Eddie smiled slightly; he was back in his favorite place.

"It's been so long since we've been here, I had forgotten what the stars looked like," he said softly. When Richie didn't answer, Eddie turned. "Chee? OH!" Richie had gotten down on one knee, holding a ring box open to reveal a simple silver band. "Edward Kaspbrak, you've made me the happiest person alive ever since we were four years old, when we first became friends.

"I'd fight It a million times over for you. I'd face my worst fears every day. Actually, I wouldn't. My worst fear is losing you.I love you so much, all the stars in the universe wouldn't be a big enough number to express just how much. I brought you here to do this because this place is so important, to both of us. We shared so many happy memories here, and I hope we can make many more. So, would you do me the huge honor of marrying me?"

Eddie stared at Richie, tears of happiness welling up in his eyes. "Yes! Yes yes yes yes yes, a million and one yesses!!!!" Eddie cried happily. Richie stood, beaming, and slipped the ring on Eddie's small finger. It fit perfectly. Eddie launched himself at his fiance and kissed him passionately. Richie smiled into the kiss and responded enthusiastically. Eddie was so happy. This was the best moment of his life, even better than when they had triumphed over It seven years earlier. He was confident that It would never come back, his happiness was so great.

Fifteen minutes later, when the two boys were sitting on the cliff edge, watching the sky, Richie's phone rang. Richie picked up immediately. "Hello?" "Did he say yes?" Beverly squealed excitedly. Richie held the phone away from his ear, wincing. "Yes Beverly. He said yes." Beverly screamed with happiness. "Um, ow. Bev, you just about blew my eardrum," Richie laughed.

"Sorry Rich. I'm just so excited! Can I be your wedding planner? You guys can still have a say in everything, but I want to do everything else!" "Erm, I'll talk to Eddie about that later." "Oh, okay. Wait, whose last name are you using?" Richie went silent as he pondered this. "I'll get back to you on that as well. I hope it's mine, though. Bye Bev." "Bye Richie."

Richie didn't bring up Beverly's questions right away. He was too happy. The boys sat in silence, gazing at the stars for another hour before Richie stood, holding his hand out to Eddie. "C'mon, it's getting late. We should probably go." Eddie smiled and took Richie's hand. They walked to the car hand in hand. When they got in the car, Richie said, "I have a question. Two actually." "Okay. Shoot." "Beverly wanted to know if she could be our wedding planner. Obviously we'll still have a say, but she wants to do most of it."

"Sure, but we're paying for most of it," Eddie insisted. "Okay. The other question was... which of our last names are we using, or do you want to keep yours different from mine?" Eddie answered without hesitation. "Yours. Mine ties me to a family who never treated me like I belonged, who never thought I was good enough. They threw me out, and you too. That's something I don't forgive." Eddie said this with a slightly sad tone, his eyes welling with tears for a moment before quickly blinking them away.

When they got to the hotel room, the got ready for bed immediately. They could not think of a better way to end the night. Richie's arms went around Eddie instantly upon laying down, and Eddie burrowed his face in Richie's chest. Richie began to sing to Eddie quietly, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." 

Eddie smiled; he loved the sound of Richie's voice; it was deep and beautiful. Eddie sang the next verse. "I'll always love you and make you happy, if you will only say the same. But if you leave me and love another, you'll regret it all some day." Richie was silenced. Eddie had an amazing singing voice. It was a gorgeous sound, from deep inside him. Richie grinned; his Eds had never sang in front of anyone else but him.

"Chee, keep going. I like the sound of your voice," Eddie said. Richie smile grew and he sang again. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." They took turn singing the verses, and sang the last one together.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." 

Their voices combined made a beautiful noise. Eddie smiled sleepily and murmured, "Thank you Chee. I love you." "Love you more Eds. Sweet dreams," Richie replied. His eyes drooped more and more with each passing second, and finally, he dropped off into a deep, contented sleep.

A/N: OMG I WROTE SO MUCH TODAY!!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!!!!! I have three or four more chapters I believe, but don't worry! I'm making a sequel. It'll be called Lover, and it'll take place during the events of It: Chapter Two. Read and review peeps, and don't forget to leave me some comments! BYEEEEEEEE!!!!!!


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