𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 10 and 11 - Tragedy strikes

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"Can you hear me sir?" A medic shakes my arm.

"Yes" I say twisting my head in pain. "What the hell happened?" I ask.

"You were in a car accident. Do you remember how fast you were going?"

"No" I lie.

"Can you move sir?"

"No" I say. My body felt numb.
The medic helps me get out of the car. I look around to see Asma. She is not in the backseat.

"Where is the girl?"

"Your passenger has been taken to hospital. She is in critical condition"

I lean on the medic as she brings a stretcher and two more medics come to help me. They put me on the stretcher and escort me to the ambulance van.

I look back to see my work car. It was badly damaged. There goes my Uber rating. The truck that collided with it was laying on its back. Another ambulance van was helping the hurt passengers to safety.

I had no remorse. I wanted Asma dead. 
The medics helped me into the ambulance and we drove off.

"What?" I yell through my phone. "Asma's been in an accident?" I say to the call operator on the other end. They were calling from the hospital.

"Yes sir" she calmly says. "She is in critical condition. Please be advised that she will need to undergo a medical operation."

I look to Layla who was sitting next to me. She twirls her hair around her finger. I loved it when she did that.

"What?" I say. I was shocked. I grabbed my car keys and rushed outside.
Layla abruptly gets up and follows me.

"I'll be there just now" I say and hung up the phone. Layla gets in the car without asking further questions. I dial my mother's number.

"Mom!" I say as soon as I hear her voice.

"Yes Adanan? What's wrong. You sound—"

"Asma was in a car accident" I say starting the car ignition. "She's been admitted to hospital"

"What?" My mother yells. "Where? How? I thought she was with you"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you later. Meet me at the hospital" I say driving off.

"Babes- what happened?" Layla asks.

"Asma was in an Uber to her mother's house when she got into a car accident"

"Was she driving?" Layla asks.

"No! She was in an Uber" I raise my voice. "We had a fight. She left to her mother's house" I say feeling agitated.

"What was the fight about, babes?" Layla innocently asks.

"Don't worry about it"

Layla reaches out her hand and places it on my thigh. "Babes you can tell me anything" she says stroking my leg.

"It's nothing" I say and continue to focus on the road.

Layla continues to stroke my leg and looks at me.

I ignore her attempts and push her hand away.

She purses her lips and looks outside of the window.

"I just wanted to make you feel good. Like I use to in Lebanon" she says.

I sigh and continue driving. Now was not the time for this.

Completing half of my deen [a Muslim love story]Where stories live. Discover now