Saved At Last But I'm Different

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Pain overwhelmed my body as if I was just electrocuted.

I couldn't breathe...wait no I wasn't breathing.

I suddenly took a huge gasp of air before forcing my sore eyes open.

I couldn't speak, must've lost my voice when I was being tortured.

The room was dimmed, barely any light cascading out of a huge window, a calm glow from the moon outside.

I couldn't hear my heartbeat....why can't I hear it?

I looked around the room but panicked when a screen with strange symbols and a scanner appeared in my vision. What the hell?

I lifted my hands to my face noticing my (S/C) skin was replaced with a dark metal with glowing (F/C) lights in patterns spiraling down my robotic looking arm. My eyes widened. I quickly looked down at the rest of my body to suddenly feel my breathe hitch in my throat.

My whole body was made of metal and a glowing (F/C) in patterned crevices of my body. I started shaking.

I can't breathe.

I can't think straight.

What am I? What have I become?

I furrowed my eyebrows as I regained my senses and the reality of my situation. I'm not human anymore.

I miss Bee..

my emotions start kicking in and warm tears drip down my pale face. The damn Decepticons turned me into one of their own puppets.

I hate this. I hate myself.

Where is Bee..?

I sit up slowly, getting used to my foreign body of metal. I sighed quietly before wiping my tears and looking up.

Everything I looked at, a title of what that object was showed up, like when I placed my eyes upon a silver table, a dialog box with the words "MEDICAL TABLE" in it.

I grit my teeth before placing my "hands" next to me on the edge of the medical exam table I laid on earlier. I then hoisted my body off of the table onto the cold solid ground, keeping most of my weight on my hands that held my body up.

I took a few minutes before finally gathering the courage to lift off the exam table and putting all of my weight upon my feet.

While I explored my surroundings from where I stood, a noise gradually became louder. It sounded louder with each passing step. Metal clashing with metal.

That's when my eyes opened wide.

Before I could even react or hide or even find a weapon to defend myself, the huge door to my right opened, revealing my worst nightmare....Megatron.

His sharp toothed smirk sent violent shivers down my robotic spine. Nothing on or in me felt real anymore.

I shrunk down compared to his huge height that obviously overpowered me.

He walked closer allowing a familiar cherry red medic con to follow behind him.

"Well well well, I'd it isn't our test subject? Don't even think about escaping or shutting down permanently because we won't allow that..hehehe. Now. For the final step, giving you synthetic skin. Knockout you may begin once I leave this room, (Y/N), be a good fleshy and keep the screams to a minimum."

And he left. He left me to get experimented on again. When does this sick, twisted game end?

As soon as the leader of the Decepticons left, I gulped, knowing full well Knockout was going to make me suffer and endure the pain.

I closed my eyes before suddenly feeling my whole body prick with a throbbing discomfort and burning. Boy I hated EVERY single second being on this ship like a guinea pig, even just forced to live. I couldn't take it. What would they do to me after they finished me? Would I ever see that bright and charming face of Bumblebee again? Or even any Transformer for that matter?

I feel lost and horrible.....What are these Decepticons up to?

~~TimeSkip to After Agonizing Procedure~~

I awoke...again. My body tingled a bit but overall I felt normal, or just what I tell myself so I don't panic or feel foreign.

I opened my eyes again not surprised at the names of objects popping up in my vision wherever I look.

I sigh calmly before finally gaining the strength and confidence to take a good long look at my mechanical nude figure.

(F/C) skin was plastered and tightened around my form to make it realistic as a human should be. Is anything real about me? Am I just made from scraps of metal and closing lights?

I want to cry. I want to curl up next to Bee and tell him what happened to me. God I missed him badly!

Suddenly as I sat up not even lifting my head to see my surroundings, an explosion was heard a little ways away, just enough that I could feel the vibration of the bomb. I sat up straighter. Voices of commands yelled at each other while seemingly coming closer. Am I being saved? Did the Transformers come for me?

As if reading my mind, the metal door slid open revealing a yellow and black striped Transformer. Bee!

My face lit up immediately after seeing him rush in. I smiled brightly before he stopped in front of me making a soft whirr. His blue optics widened at my frame, me not even realizing I wasn't covered. I looked down and gasped before covered my whole body with a blanket that was laying under me.

He lifted me onto his servos, wrapping each digit safety but firmly around me as I endured his touch, even if I was into laying curled up in his servos to be rescued.

He beeped at the others, getting their attention while fighting off Decepticons everywhere.

Without warning, a massive green and blue portal thing came out of thin air and swirled in its round containment. The bots ran through the doorway Bumblebee following in pursuit of the others. As soon as we entered my whole body felt so light before we came out of the other side....the Junkyard.

It was the same as before I was kidnapped by evil robot aliens, dinosaur bots roaming around the maze-like mountains of cars and Transformers that just arrived to save me from the clutches of Megatron....even if they were too late.

I felt oddly calm even after everything that happened to me. Bee walked over to Optimus as the others split up to do whatever they were doing, but not without telling me how relieved that I was here again.

Optimus stood in front of us, him still being taller than any other bot here.

"I am glad you are back (Y/N), I understand of what you went through was traumatic and horrifying, I had no means of getting you caught, nor did I anticipate for a Decepticon to find and keep you hostage, and for that I deeply apologize. Bumblebee take (Y/N) to her home to rest and regain her strength."

Bee nodded before walking away towards my house. He lowered me until I reached my second floor window, me jumping in and thanking him.

Again he nodded before I smiled genuinely. As he turned and left, all I could think was 'I'm in love with a robot!''.

I giggled like a little girl, jumping up and dike before going to take a shower and sleep, forgetting about my torture for a minute.

But deep down, I knew Megatron wouldn't just let the transformers win and take me. He did or placed something inside of me, like programming a robot to do whatever it is you command.

The real question is.....what is my purpose to him?

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