Just As I Lose Hope

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It's all I felt.

All I was.

What was the point of anything?

I couldn't even fight back...couldn't even save my robotic friends and possibly stop the destruction of Earth.

I held no emotions, simply drowning in an endless void with no purpose to direct myself forward to. I was too weak and unprepared thinking I could actually hold my ground and go head to head with HIM.

My body was numb and my mind was a blank sheet. I wonder what the Autobots are doing right now?

My muscles feel a bit weak, I wish I could close my eyes and get some rest, be human again, tell the Autobots what was happening to me, and most importantly...tell Bumblebee how much I love him. I smile slightly realizing just how weird that sounded...to be in love with something that isn't human, but an alien robot that takes the form of a car.

I'm slowly floating down to my doom, I can feel it. Maybe if I just keep going through memories and events that led to now, maybe I could've done something.

My sweet Bumblebee, how I wish we could drive around one last time free as birds and fast as the wind, no doubts or regrets.


What was that sound? I lift my hand to my face and feel cracked lines along my left cheek spreading unevenly just like glass. What's going on? A burning sensation takes over where the indentations on my face lay, spreading and taking my leftover sanity that I still held onto, despite the agonizing and weakened state I was currently in.

I felt cold as a corpse, maybe I was dying who knows. All I know is Megatron was done using me for his ruthless desires of killing off all Autobots and destroying species after species to become the ultimate apex predator.

I can't feel anything anymore, my fragile body becoming more and more frail with every passing second. I wish I had told Optimus ants everyone else about my dilemma, maybe then they could've helped me and stayed in a better future with little to no intense situations. What hurts the most is that I realize just how infatuated I am with the yellow and black striped Camaro and knowing that I won't be back for him breaks my spark, I guess I have, I'm not entirely sure what's inside of me.

I don't know what will happen or what left of me there will be since I'm guessing my mind is the one at stake, not my synthetic body which I'm pretty sure Megatron doesn't care much about, being recyclable and all. I hope I get to keep my memories.

I'm starting to slip out of consciousness, the line between reality and my processor are being blurred into one, keeping me distracted from the real invasion to come....and I couldn't do anything...


It seemed as if hours or even days had passed as my processor stilled, knowing it couldn't find a way out or even call out to the others. I was too late and trapped inside this weird void of nothing but pitch black walls. A strange chill shivered up my metal mainframe just looking around at my prison.

My eyelids weighed down and my fake heart thumped at a slow constant pace. When I thought about giving up, I swear I felt something on my arms, it was a tingly sensation. Suddenly as it arrived, pressure gradually weighed on them, alarming my whole body of the strange feeling. A minute later I felt my whole figure shake lightly as if something or someone were shaking me.

I didn't know what to do so I stilled and allowed the strange action to continue, the shaking getting a bit more rougher and the pressure heavier. I couldn't shake off this feeling. My ears picked up a sound, or a frequency more of through some interference so I focused my far reached hearing and listened into the wavelengths of sound to decipher what was being spoken.


I strained as much as I could to hear from my audio systems, picking up buzzed words in scratchy phrases. By the voice, I guessed it was from a radio, specific words used to create sentences.....it kind of reminds me of Bumblebee.......wait, radio, words, sentences. Bumblebee...BUMBLEBEE! It him I know it! My eyes widened as I gasped at the realization of who was trying to reach out to me. It's him and he's come to rescue me! I opened my lips to speak but no words came out, only silent air.

Suddenly a cold chill enveloped my body, shocking my interior systems triggering a last resort emergency cryofreeze state which I never knew I had. Everything shut down to save my energy and life source. My eyes gradually dimmed before a bright light expanded my vision, leaving my optics as my eyelids finally close, darkness overwhelming my senses.


A calm feeling engulfed my being, serenity calling out to me while keeping my mind wrapped within its reach to give me a peace of tranquility in still waters. My vision was still dark but my body felt loose and relaxed instead of tense and nervous, maybe I died. Is this what heavens like...or maybe like some type of trial before I'm chosen a place within heaven or hell?

I can faintly hear a beeping noise in the distance as well as typing, I guess I'm not dead yet, but in a hospital of some sort.

Minutes ticked by painfully slow, the beeping noise beeping at a constant rhythm and the fast typing still tapping away. I must be asleep or something because I can feel my body again.

I gradually get control and movement into my fingers as well as my toes, steadily but calmly gaining my muscle strength back. After I can manage my whole metal body, I focus on my sight. My eyelids felt weighed down like an anchor, locked shut, never wanting to open again but I forced them open slowly at a time, getting used to the burning brightness glaring into my sensitive optics.

I finally revealed my exhausted eyes, clearing after a bit and staring at the metal ceiling that seemed much too high. Why was that?

I move my arms behind me, lifting me into a sitting position and leaning my weight on the white pillows. My gasped a bit, surprised with my surprisings not expecting what I saw in front of me.

Giant stainless metal countertops with square drawers aligned the front side while different medical tools of all sizes and shapes lay in organized places on shelves, tabletops, and in glass bowls and jars. Indented patterns run along any smooth place, decorating the area and perpetuating until everything is covered in swirls and immaculate shapes. A bright light beams across the stainless steel, reflecting off the surfaces making it seem brighter than it really is. I appeared to be on a medical bed with machines made for normal sized humans attached to me with wires and stickers on my skin along with an I.V. With a silver liquid...I wonder why that is.

With a clear processor and body strength back to me, I finally glimpse at the source of the tapping noise.

My eyes widen at the colossal ivory and red Autobot covered in deep slashes in certain places and scratches everywhere on his frame.


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