Changes and Glitches

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It's been hell to say the least.

Ever since I created a form for myself, it seems to have a mind of its own. It doesn't completely control me but it'll basically freeze my movements and my thoughts while taking over and doing whatever it wants. Like a glitch, it just keeps doing what it's doing without a care, ruining my chances and restricting anything I try to do.

Ever since then I just didn't want to be taken over for the fourth time so I just ignored it and kept moving forward with my life as a "normal human".

Nobody suspects a thing which is the best thing for now, but what about in the future? What if my form is taken advantage of again and whoever is pulling my strings manages to hurt or even kill my current family and friend. I couldn't bare it.

Maybe I should run away, leave this place and go far away that nobody will ever find me. I guess I can only imagine a life without violence and death because right now my situation is full of it.

It hurts to lie and deceive your closest acquaintances while being manipulated and threatened. Like a spy but your life is on the line to do the job correctly just to be thrown away at the end. How horrible....

Currently I'm sitting in a corner of my room with a blank stare, I didn't move a muscle, only staring at the beige wall in front of me. There was a body mirror directly in my sight so I just sat there and gazed at it. My reflection looked so sickeningly real, I bet I could go anywhere in public and not a single person could tell I wasn't even human. That's how realistic my synthetic skin looked and felt. Like nothing happened.

I sighed deeply before observing my hands, allowing my arm canon to shape and appear on my left hand. I won't lie, this "power" is pretty cool and interesting, even when I got it in the wrong time and place. It's with me forever.

At least I still have Bee.

I can't believe I have feelings for a car, nonetheless a robotic/alien transformer autobot. Wow...

Before I could even dig deeper of my new subject, a sudden jerk of my body immediately alerted me. A shock ran through my body in a flash, pain starting to build all over, causing me to fall over and just watch in shock as I twitch violently and sporadically. After a few minutes it stopped as if I didn't just experience a painful surprise. What happened?

Before I could get up and resettle myself, my left hand with the canon started firing up, red lights turning on in segments on the sides of the weapon.

Somehow my speaking was disabled and I lost all feeling and command within my being. I felt paralyzed. What the hell is going on?!

I couldn't comprehend what was about to happen because the next thing I know everything around me was brewing and twisting into darkness. It was an endless abyss, a void of absolute darkness If I may.

I look down and I gasp in horror and overwhelming appall that stunned me.

My whole anatomy was engrossed by numbers over a bright green body base, the numbers being specifically ones and zeros. Quite disturbing actually. I heard a deep unsettling chuckle that caused the artificial hairs on my neck to stand.

It's him.

It's Megatron.

He stood a few meters ahead of me, staring with malicious red glowing eyes that obviously loathed my very being but still needed me. I shook unconsciously, feeling so recessive compared to his colossal stature and well-being. He might as well be a powerful god of death or something similar, in all, he's just terrifyingly scary to dumb it down.

We stared in an eery silence, in which I bet a pin dropping and clinking quietly on the ground could be heard with an loud thump and echo.

"You will never escape me, even with how hard you try (Y/N). None of the Autobots will save you so you should spare your own feelings, for your own sakes. Hehe... when I have finished my use for you, you will be terminated permanently where no one will ever find your broken body, do you understand what I am saying (Y/N)? You still have one last mission for me....infiltrate the Autobot mainframe and transfer all of their security, the autobot soldiers themselves, strategies, EVERYTHING. I want it all and you will be the one to give it to me on a silver platter."

Before I could even comprehend what he had threatened and demanded of me, his towering metal figure slowly dissolved and perished until he was completely gone and I was alone.

As always.

I sighed shakily before my vision blurred and I suddenly awoke. I shook violently as synthetic sweat formed on my forehead.

I have to betray my own friends... my ONLY family....

After everything, it just wasn't enough.

I sat for hours just crying and staring weakly and defeated upon myself in the full mirror.

Am I just a pawn in a game? Am I not enough?

...Am I weak?

Before I knew it, I had somehow subconsciously powered down my body and fell into a deep resting period.

I just hope this app goes away soon...

Hello Aliens! SUPER apologies for not uploading in forever, I've had a horrible writers block which I've had for quite a while, just until I start getting back into Transformers then will I make chapters like a normal person should.

I just want to wish all of you guys good luck and just stay safe and healthy!

Also as probably half of all of you guys who is reading this right now, I have three words to explain....


But we all will get through this y'all! Don't lay on your bed eating cheese balls and watching YouTube like I did...(I secretly still do) but that's not the point...ANYWHO!

Enjoy wherever you are in the world guys and make sure you got that TP to defend yourself from the Coronavirus! 🧻

Bye Aliens~

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