We may have lost everything, but at least we have each other

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My eyes widen as far as they could stretch.

I couldn't believe it! It was Ratchet! My robotic heart rate started beating faster in relief and adrenaline coursing through me that he was okay and not dead like I had originally thought.

He noticed the sporadic beating quicken and turned to see the smaller woman starting to sit up. His optics widened before limping towards (Y/N) and kneeling down slowly, saying "(Y/N) your awake! How are you feeling? Do you remember anything?".

"I-I'm fine Ratchet and I don't really know, my proce- I mean mind is kinda blurry still, sorry."

He squinted his bright blue optics at me before huffing and relaxing his frame against his knee.

"I know you are not human (Y/N), there's no need to hide it as I don't know if you noticed but you're not hooked up to normal human medical equipment, rather our technology."

My optics widened a bit before I sighed looking down in shame, he knew I wasn't who I said I was and now he's going to be curious and once he finds out the truth, who knows what he'll do to me, kill me, tell Optimus and the others If they're still alive, or worse.

"No need to panic little one, questions will be answered when the fight is over and Optimus can understand the situation you went through," he said calmly.

After conversing with one another for a few more minutes, he unhooked the machinery before picking me up and walking towards a giant sliding door. Once in the halls he explained more on what had occurred while I was out.

Decepticons had indeed formed a giant portal over the autobot camp where a brutal unexpected battle endured.

All because of me.

Then, the Decepticons including Megatron,  who got their metal clawed hands on the information I was forced in giving to him created a serum with the help of Shockwave which basically killed the mindset of Autobots who inhaled the gas into their systems, causing the autobot cause to dimmer and eventually start battling against each other.

All because of me.

And to top it all off, whoever survived the Decepticons had retreated and took shelter inside of a huge hidden base deep underneath a sand and dirt compact plateau.

The walls were completely metal with pipes hanging from the ceiling and rust slightly starting to scuff the walls, brightened by bright LED bulbs.

I put a tighter grip on Ratchets servos as we get closer to the main hangar where I can hear metal shifting and connecting against metal.

My nerves are on fire and before I have time to mentally prepare, we already made it to the doorway and into the wide room.

Autobots of different variety of vehicle and color stand, sit, or walk around carrying items or speaking to each other. I notice most if not all of them have scratches, burns, and shot marks all over their frames...because of me.

My processor is starting to give me a headache as we continue on.

We walk pass them all, some giving me looks and glances before losing interest.

But they shouldn't, soon they'll know who did this to them and they'll come after me with hatred and motivation to execute me, not that I can blame them.

We walk a little father until I notice the recognizable red and blue scratched paint job and tall, god-like sculpture.

He turns once he notices us and stares in surprise.

"(Y/N) you're awake, we're all glad you're okay, Ratchet would not let us see you after you were brought in," giving his medical officer a stern glance.

"I understand your concerns but I had to deal with a complex matter at hand that included (Y/N), which I think we need to talk about later in private, Optimus," the medic inquired.

I looked nervously between the two before focusing my attention back to Optimus, asking "what happened while I was out Optimus? Ratchet told me the summary but I need details about who fought who."

Optimus lowered his helm slightly before explaining what I had already known though with more detail and explanation of what went down, the Autobots becoming mindless beasts, and the fight between Autobots while Decepticons took their chance and slaughtered them.

Artificial tears ran down my face before I could stop them and my body quivered with fear and shame that I had caused.

"I-Is Bumblebee still alive?" I asked quietly, trying not to cry out loud in front of the bots.

Optimus nodded his helm pointing to a direction to his left leading me to follow his long servo.

There, standing near Drift and Hound, was the bot I had fallen in love with. I looked to Ratchet who got the message and lowered me to the ground which I thanked him for before running straight for him, just narrowly avoiding being squished by giant metal peds.

"BEE!" I screamed with relief, using my legs to the limit which he immediately perked up upon hearing his name. Before I could slow down he had already caught sight of me and lifted my body close to his heart, hugging my frame with fragility but also a tightness of missing my touch.

We stayed where we were. Ignoring everyone and everything around us as we held onto each other and relaxed. I could faintly hear Bee's little chirps and beeps being so close to him, it was like heaven hearing it again.

My smile was so wide and my processor was recording this so I could remember this moment.

But that all ended when dark thoughts crept up into my vulnerability and snatched its chance.

I was so ecstatic and happy to see Bee and the others but I knew I didn't see all of them safe and sound. I knew that they were once amazing defenders of Earth and each other before the weapon I gave to the enemy was used upon them, forcing the blood of their allies and friends on themselves, tainting their worthiness and their motivation to keep doing good if what they did completely overshadowed it.

I was suddenly brought back to the present when a cold servo gently rubbed my tears away while giving me comfort. I sniffled looking up at the one who could truly keep me grounded and stay on the good side with the Autobots.

I looked at Bee's bright blue optics with a new burning determination that even if in the end I die or get hated or casted out by the Autobots I would forever love and remember, I would fight alongside those until I couldn't and remember the confidence and hope they gave me.

Acceptance is key to success some say, and I'm definitely going to need it for the unknown future ahead of us all.

Megatron, when I see you on the battlefield,

I'm going to kill you.

Hello Aliens! You guys probably hate me for not updating but I've been stressed lately with writers block, I have to find a job, and take my drivers test to get my permit, but I finally found time to make a chapter for you guys and I'm kind of actually excited for the future chapters.

Also I know some of y'all with good memories from the first few chapters remember when (Y/N) had a canine transformer form, well I've a actually had it in store for a certain chapter so yeah! 😎

Okay enjoy wherever you are in the world and in the new year everyone!!


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