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Lorna is visited by Agent Turner. He says he is going to take down her friends, starting with Marcos. If she cooperates, he will allow visitations with their child. He says is she doesn't cooperate, she will go to a worse place where she will give him the information he wants.

At Mutant HQ

Marcos and John continue to argue about going after Lorna. Marcos wants to use Clarice's ability to break Lorna out. John is concerned after what happened when Clarice overexerted herself. Sonia wants them to try. Lorna is her friend and she wants to help her, but Caitlin says Clarice is not strong enough to handle a jailbreak. Marcos tells John to train Clarice to build up her strength and have better control of her abilities. John reluctantly says okay.

Caitlin says they should try to go through the proper channels to get Lorna out. She says she has connections, but everyone knows the 'proper channels' are no good to mutants. John says they can't risk the exposure. She can't have any contact with the outside world while she is there. It's too dangerous.

The Strucker twins are playing Monopoly. Lauren gets upset when Andy picks to be the shoe. She says their dad is always the shoe. Percy picks another piece. Caitlin is shaken by their conversation.

John talks to Clarice about training. She says she can't help them, but she wants to because she owes Lorna. She says something changed when she got sick and her powers are broken. John says abilities don't get broken. Most abilities emerge out of strong emotion: fear, pain, etc. What she needs to tap into something positive.

He leaves Clarice and is stopped by Sonia. She asks how things are going with Clarice. John says it will take time. Sonia offers to help with her own abilities. (Sonia, aka Dreamer can plant memories into others.) John says no. Things can go bad…they have before.

Caitlin wakes up Andy and Lauren in the middle of the night. She tells them she is going to see her brother, Danny. They won’t let her go on her own. Caitlin needs protection. They lost their dad, they won’t lose her too. The Struckers sneak out of HQ.

Reed tells Turner about his meeting with Marcos at the mutant bar. Their plan is to say Reed escaped from Sentinel Services, go to the bar and ask them to take him to Marcos. Sentinel Services will follow and take down the Mutant Underground. Reed asks what will happen to all of the mutants. Turner calls the Mutant Underground a terrorist organization and says they will be dealt with accordingly. Reed is bothered by his part in taking down the mutants.

John and Clarice begin their training. Clarice is really cynical about everything. John tells her to focus on what she cares about most. He tells her to picture what she loves the most and go to it. Clarice starts up her abilities but it dwindles. She says she should be trying because she might destroy something. John says she is focusing on her fear. He stops when he senses something else.

John sees footprints leading away from HQ. He can see and hear the Struckers leaving in the middle of the night. He goes back in to tell Marcos that the Strucker family are gone. John thinks she is going to see one of her contacts. She still believes the system will work. John says they have to find them. Marcos says they don’t have time. If the Struckers get caught, then they get caught. It’s a safety precaution for them all.

The Struckers are trying to figure out a way to get to Caitlin’s brother. They have no money and all of their bank accounts are frozen. Andy wants to rob a bank, but Caitlin won’t let him break the law. Lauren says they can’t break the law if the want a chance at a normal life. Andy says they will never have a normal life. He destroys a couple of meters and that gives them a little bit of money.

Clarice practices using her powers when Sonia sits down with her. Sonia tells her that Lorna is counting on her, putting more pressure on Clarice. Clarice tells Sonia to tell her boyfriend that his plan won’t work. Sonia admits that she and John agreed that they shouldn’t be together. She says John knows what he’s talking about and to keep practicing. Her visit didn’t help Clarice at all.

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