Ch 1 Prologue

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Ozpin POV

I was busy with some paperwork that needed to be done. Taking a break from my work I go and grab myself a mug of coffee. Starting out I began contemplating decisions, however, I got interrupted.

Glynda: Ozpin!

Ozpin: (turning around) Yes?

Glynda: An incoming call from Ironwood has been ringing for the past five minutes.

Ozpin: Put him through.

A holographic projection of the General then appears. He looks to be slightly agitated, and clearly something must be going on for there to be a call out of the blue.

Ironwood: Ozpin.

Ozpin: Sorry for not picking up any sooner. There has been some technical difficulties.

Glynda looks at Ozpin baffled, seeing that he clearly lied. Ironwood takes no notice of this with the conversation continuing.

Ironwood: Understandable, I know this call is unscheduled and late in the nighttime but I am asking for a favor.

Ozpin: (sips his coffee) What kind of favor to be exact? You are not the individual asking for such things.

Ironwood: (falsely adjust tie) You see I want a team from Atlas to be transfer to Beacon.

Ozpin: (puts mug down) Hmm...Why would one of your academy's teams need to possibly be transferred to Vale? Yours seem to be quite well in operating in its given function.

Ironwood: Does a name Gray Team sound familiar to you?

Ozpin though surprised at the mention of the team keeps his stern look.

Ozpin: Indeed I do. In fact they are one of your more decorated teams. Even go so far as going through missions that no other team is permitted under normal circumstances.

Ironwood: Yes, and I take it you know the details from a certain mission. You see that mission of theirs went wrong. Turned into a failure that needed to be covered up. I want them to be transferred to Beacon. One I can say in particular has not been the same.

Ozpin ponders for a moment. He has heard of the mission despite their efforts to cover it up. If the problem isn't address he can very well be unstable and turn to a life of a mercenary.

Ozpin: Very well. Send in their files, and tell them the news that they are to be transferred to Beacon.

Ironwood: I'll begin the paperwork. Thank you. He says before the signing off.

Sitting in my chair the message appears that indicates the files has been sent. Looking at them they are quite experienced, but looking into Y/N has changed. Hopefully the transfer will do him some good and return him back to his former self.

Two Weeks Later

Gray Team was making there way to Beacon. The news came rather unexpected with some not having it.

Y/N: So why is it that we're being transferred to Beacon Academy?

Skye: We don't know why. The General said that it is time for us to have a more adjusted life that suits our age.

Y/N: What does that even mean?!

Forest: It means don't act so serious and to have fun. Y/N, you haven't been the same since the mission.

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