Ch 7 Returning the Favor

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Some weeks has passed by since the incident with Summer. Besides the awkward moment seeing her for the first time after the kiss you can say things were going better as Summer and Y/N started to hang out more and more. He was walking to his room until he spotted Summer running towards Y/N only for her to stop moments before crashing.

Summer: Y/N! Y/N! I need your help!

Y/N: What happened?! Please do not tell me that I have to bail Qrow out of jail.

Summer: What? No. Can you help me study later? For a test.

Y/N: Sure. How about two hours from now at the library?

Summer: Thanks Y/N. See you later.

Summer left with you continuing on your way to your room. Opening the door you saw your teammates. They had the game monopoly set up and ready.

Forest: You know what today is.

Y/N: Yeah I know. Hopefully this game goes quick.

Skye: There is no quick games in monopoly.

Y/N begrudgingly played the board game and went for the battleship piece. A hour and fifty passed by and it was not going good.

Forest: You landed on my property so that means (looks at card) you owe me $750.

You look at your hands that held only two left to your name. Looking at Forest you saw how he was smiling.

Y/N: (throws money) Just take it! I hate this game anyways.

Skye: And then there was two.

Y/N: Look at the time. Anyways I have to go.

Forest: Nothing is going on today so where are you going?

Y/N: Helping Summer study.

Skye looks to Forest to confirm her suspicion. He gives a nod.

Skye: You caught feelings for Summer didn't you.

Forest: Y/N, this can go go one of two ways. You can either admit or deny it but Skye will know.

Y/N: I hate it when you are right. Okay. Fine, you know what I am.

Skye: You two would be a good match. She is sweet and the opposite and she can balance you out.

Y/N: Look before any of you say to just tell Summer no. At least not yet.

Y/N left the room thinking that their game is definitely not gonna go well. Walking to the library he goes in. Spotting Summer he sees how she is just staring at the books in a calm state. This scared him in that it looked as if she accepted her fate; meaning they will have a long way to go. Seating himself he waited for a bit.

Y/N: Summer?

Summer: Yeah?

Seconds passed before she realizes that Y/N finally made it.

Summer: You're here. Good, so I'm having a hard time with Oobleck's class.

Y/N: Isn't he covering material that you all should know in your first year?

Summer: Yeah but it's been so long that I might've forgotten a bit.

Y/N stared for a bit not believing her.

Summer: Alright. I forgot it all.

Y/N: Let's begin.

Y/N started to help Summer review over the past materials. Over the next few hours they went over subjects from the Great War with Vale and Vacuo against Mantle and Mistral.

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