Ch 6 Free For All

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It has been some weeks since the incident of the two. Gray Team has adjusted to Beacon's schedule and they are currently in Glynda's class watching STQR face off against a team.

Glynda: The match is over with Team STQR as the winner. As you can clearly see given to their teamwork it has a distinct advantage to that of working separately in pairs. You must never let your enemies divide your team as it spells defeat in detail.

The two teams went back to their respective spots. After putting the battleground back to its original state Glynda called the next team.

Glynda: Gray Team you are up. Is there any volunteers to face Gray Team?

None of the students moved not wanting to face them. It was one thing with Team STQR but now them. They choose not to.

Glynda: (sighs) Very well. Gray Team go for your weapons. This match will have you pair against one another.

Skye: (standing up) A free for all then. Guys you feel like doing no semblances?

Forest: Sure why not.

Skye: Good as this is just an enclosed area.

Y/N: Plus I would not want to get stabbed in the back literally.

Forest: At least I won't have to worry about you two creating something to throw like the toolbox.

Gray Team was stable and seemed to have no problems. Though when it did came to trivial matters it goes deep.

Skye: That was only one time and I needed something to throw.

Y/N: Well in her defense we happened to be near one and it was the first thing Skye might of thought of.

Glynda was on in her sitting face down on her desk. She was just waiting for it to be over.

Y/N: You kinda deserved it for getting all of   us stuck in the warehouse for the week for laying against a wall that turned out to be a shelving rack. That was awful to clean up.

The students can only imagined what kind of domino effect ensued. Glynda having enough of it all stopped it.

Glynda: Ahem. Might I remind you that this  is still a combat class and might I add one you are participating in.

Forest: Okay.

Glynda: Go grab your weapons.

You leave to go grab your weapons. Despite it they still hear you talking.

Tai: Really puts the whole idea how they are in a team in question.

Raven: Like we are one to talk. Look at our team.

Upon returning Glynda noticed that you all only had your primary weapons.

Glynda: This class is suppose to be taken to the upmost seriousness. Why don't you all have the rest of your weapons?

Forest: Lack of ammo. It got unfortunately all spent yesterday during target practice.

Glynda: (sighs) Get in combat positions.

Skye and Forest got into their positions with their weapon poised for attack. Y/N also got into position but was tossing Partisan slightly up in the air slightly and catching his weapon in both hands.

Glynda: You may begin.

Skye and Forest charged at one another while Y/N simply stayed in place. The two parried their swords and backed up. They started to circle one another trying to spot a weakness in their stance.

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