Ch 8 A Reveal

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Y/N walked to the courtyard where Summer was waiting. Upon spotting you she runs up and hugs you.

Y/N: I take it that the test went well?

Summer: Yes, I got an eighty-nine percent!

Y/N: That is good but why couldn't you just tell me on the scroll?

Summer: (taps index fingers) Well I thought that maybe we could of celebrate? We did do all that studying yesterday.

Y/N: Why not. The test may look minuscule compared compared to the bigger picture but my parents taught Skye and I a lesson.

Summer: What lesson?

Y/N: They would sometimes awarded us for our small achievements. My father said that a task may seem daunting at first glance but if you take it step by step it will turn out to not be so hard as it did seemed. It is a matter of a person complicating the simple. Besides you studied for hours on end for this.

Summer: But you helped.

Y/N: Yeah but I am already used to this kind of thing. Remember Atlas is more strict.

Summer: Oh right Atlas. First I need to tell my team and then we can go.

Summer left to go find a quiet area and called Qrow. She knew for sure he had his scroll on him.

Qrow: (via scroll) Yeah?

Summer: (via scroll) Tell the team that I'll be gone for a while. I'm leaving with Y/N to celebrate.

Qrow: That's fine and all but when will you tell him?

Summer: Tell him what?

Qrow: How you feel. I may be drinking as we speak but we all see it.

Summer: Uhhh bye.

Summer ended the call with Qrow smirking to himself. He hoped that she would do it soon as that bet is on the line. Going back to Y/N they went through the city.

Y/N: What do you feel like doing for your celebration.

Summer: I might've heard that there is a drive in theater tonight.

Y/N: Okay though we will need a portable radio.

Summer: Why?

Y/N: Well they are set up in such a way that the sound is done by the radio.

Summer: Right. Anyways you get the radio while I need to pick up an order.

Y/N: We can go get the item first before we get the radio.

Summer: No! I mean it's almost getting dark out.

Y/N: I guess. We did cane here rather later than preferred.

Summer had a sigh of relief as in actuality she was getting a cloak. It was going to be a gift of some kind for Y/N. She had a certain agenda behind it. Meanwhile with Y/N he was getting the radio. Handing in the money the cashier asked something.

Cashier: Here you go sir. By any chance are you going to the drive in theater today?

Y/N: Yeah. How did you know?

Cashier: A hunch but I heard that today's movie genre is horror.

Y/N: Didn't know that but thanks. Have a good day.

Y/N left to go meet with Summer again. The thing about the recent discovery scared him as he was never a fan of horror films. Sighing to himself he figured he would have to stick it out. Hopefully he won't get scared by a figure in the room that might resemble what looks like a person in the dark.

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