Ch 5 Glimpse in the Past

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Waiting for Summer to arrive I had the brief thought wondering whether or not cloaks on the uniforms were technically allowed. Y/N decided to write for a bit but awhile later he heard a knock. He put backs the writing.

Y/N: It is open!

Summer opened the door and moved towards you with the textbook in hand. The moment she saw you she was shocked.

Summer: Y/N! You look terrible.

Y/N: I feel terrible as well but thank you very much for the input.

Summer: Sorry. Now what problem are you on?

Y/N: We barley got into this subject back in Atlas so question one. I tried looking at the next question but it was one of those that is making you refer back to the first question.

Summer: I see. Well we got all day so let's get started.

For the next hour Summer helped you with your homework. It was rather fast given that the only problem was not knowing the concept.

Y/N: Well thanks Summer. I think I am going to go back to sleep now with the fever and all.

Summer: No problem. I think I am gonna stay for a bit. You know I have to finish mine.

Y/N: Have at it. (goes to sleep)

Summer was doing her homework and once finished she realized how she never really got to explore the room. Summer looked around but once she got to your self of books she may have gotten a bit curious.

Summer: Military books. Boring. Does Y/N have anything else? Wait what is this?

Summer looked closer at one book that was different from the rest. Getting the book out she realizes it is a journal of some kind.

Summer: (opens it up) Maybe I should not.

Summer closed the journal but temptations were getting to her. She decided to open it up again and look through it. Opening it up she got on the chair next to Y/N. The pages held a series short writings with pictures but some even had drawings. She admired them due to the amount of detailed put into them.

Summer: Y/N actually looks happy in these but he doesn't seem as much anymore. I know it's the mission but he never said about it. It is understandable but it would be nice.

One such picture held had a short description saying "First Day of Atlas." Below it held one such short log and she started to read.

Summer: "You know most may not like the concept of having your sister on your team. You could say this may come down to the idea of brother-sister rivalry and you live your life with them so maybe some want distance. To  be honest for me it is not the case. I may not show it but I'm happy. There is a comfort to know that I have their back and they mine. It goes without saying that this is my family."

She turns the next page seeing a picture of what looks like Forest.

Summer: "Met what will be our leader in the academy. Forest Thorne is his name. You can say that he is an interesting fellow and what is good is our style match up so that is going for me. Well I now have to stop writing with Skye looking at me suspiciously. Some may call it a diary but I see it as a collection of thoughts of some sorts or memories. You never know if a time will happen that you will loose them."

Summer smiled seeing a different side at Y/N she hasn't seen before. She turns more pages wanting to see what happened as months did go by in the logs. Summer looked drawings  that looked liked a medal.

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