Ch 4 Teams Hang Out

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A/N: Yeah this took longer than expected due to a part that I decided to ultimately just be a description of the result.

Y/N and Summer were both walking back to Beacon. She told him how they all planned to meet up at their room. After some time they made it back with the two teams waiting.

Forest: Did you not get the messages? Where were you?

Y/N: I fell asleep.

Summer: (looks around) Where is everyone? This is suppose to be where we meet up.

Forest: We decided to get breakfast first and just plan it out from there.

Y/N put his book back in the self and they all headed towards the cafeteria. Getting their breakfast Forest sat besides Skye on one side. Summer say with her team on the other side.

Summer: Y/N sit beside me.

Y/N: My team is closer though.

Summer: Put your tray down on the table.

She said in a commanding voice which kinda confused all of them as they did not expect it from Summer. Y/N was unsure if he should but did it regardless. She then quickly grabs you and drags you to the table.

Y/N: (digging fingers on floor) Help! I am being taken against my will!

Forest: Sorry Y/N. Your sister says I can't interfere in this.

Y/N: You traitors. (relents) Fine. Just stop dragging me and I will go.

Summer: (happily) Good.

Qrow+Tai: (thoughts) That was a good. A little dramatic but I can see it.

Raven: Well now that is over let's begin. What shall we do today?

Skye: We do not know the city. You all are the experts here.

Tai: Okay. What about an arcade?

Skye: We heard of those things but never went to one before.

Y/N: Before you ask it is due to how Atlas is and family backgrounds.

Summer: That is terrible. Everyone should experience how an arcade is.

Qrow: Atlas is starting to sound worse and worse every time I hear about it.

Forest: Eh. Atlas just has different forms of entertainment. Different taste.

Raven: Arcade it is then.

Skye: Good. It has been awhile since we done anything fun. Much less with another team.

Going to an arcade was one of the last things Y/N imagined that he was going to be doing. He was planning to go do target practice but guess that went down the drain. Making it to the arcade was a surreal experience with all of its different forms of entertainment.

Skye: You are the experts so what should we do?

Raven: You are thinking too much on this.

Qrow: Yeah. Just pick one that you find looks good.

Tai: Oh yeah. The prizes may be crap but that is what makes it fun for a few seconds at least.

Forest: Well I'm going for that racing arcade machine. Who wants to challenge me?

Tai: Now you just hold on right there. You're trespassing into my territory.

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