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I woke up feeling sore between my legs, memories flashed before my eyes of last night events,, swimming, drew,, talking, making love with drew,,, a smile came across my face as i moved closer to his warm chest. my eyes fluttered open to see his sexy face smiling at me ' morning beautiful' my heart was doing flips ' morning babe' i got up and got dressed '' i gotta go back to my parents, they're in town, unfortunately..ill see u later?' once i turned around there he was standing there smiling '' ill pick you up for school in and hour''' smiling i ran to my car and drove home...

when i got there all hell broke loose.. ''WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOUNG LADY.. I HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK...DRIVING OFF.... STEALING ALCOHOL...IVE NOT SLEPT A MINUTE...AND WHY DO YOU SMELL LIKE THE BUSHES!!!!!!'' My mother shrieked at me i just pushed past her and said ''MOTHER! SHUT UP!!! THE ONLY RESON YOU CARE IS BECAUSE YOU WANT ME READY TO MARRY SOME FUCKWIT I DONT EVEN KNOW!!! AND IT YOUR FAULT FOR NOT SLEEPING!! DONT ACT LIKE YOU CARE!!! YOU DONT!!! EVER SINCE TOMMY DIED YOU HAVE NOT PAID NOT BIT OF NOTICE TO ME!!!!!'' I ran to my room and slammed the door and went for a shower, after a while i had calmed down a little and i got dressed and ready for school when i got down stairs there was a note on the counter ''DEAR ABBILENA im sorry i wasnt good enough for you, here is money and i stocked the house with supplies, have a nice life without us.'' my parents were gone but i felt nothing but relived this made me feel a little guilty for not caring. i looked at the time 10 min i grabbed some breakfast and brushed my teeth. i went into the spare room i set up with a piano and laptop for singing and making music..

i started to sing the fisrt song that came to mind 'You cant win by kelly clarkson ' if you go they'll say your following, if you dont your to good for them, if you smile you must be ignorant, if you dont whats your problem, if you doubt so ungrateful, and if your happy, why so selfish, oh, you cant win, no you cant win no........" As i went through the song i noticed a familiar scent near me but i could not place it.... Then when i finished the song i saw him

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