Chapt. 1-Akia's story

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I've always wanted to be a doctor. More preferably a surgeon. My daddy always helps me with my wishes. He always gets me sick people that I can help. I'm Akia, and I'm only 6. Daddy gave me all the surgical equipment that I need, and I never need to go to school. Daddy and me kinda live in a dump right now, and the police officers once tried to get me away from daddy. That made me sad, so daddy came and got me from them, then a few days later daddy brought one to me and said they were sick. I liked working on them the most.

Daddy says mommy ran away after I was born. I hate mommy. I wish she was sick so I could 'help' her. But daddy can't find her, and he said that if he did he'd give her to me. I know that might never happen, mommy's mean, but I still have that slight hope that'll happen.

But daddy's a good daddy. He's a big strong guy and never hurts me. He does however pick up guys who I just helped, that tries to run.

"They're still sick Akia, help him okay hun? See how pale he is? He also needs to be cold. These parts of him is still sick." and I look intently as he points out his appendix, kidney, and one of his lungs. The mans screaming for his life. So daddy puts a gag on his mouth. I'm gonna be the best surgeon ever, thanks to my daddy.

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