Chapter 17- Charlotte/Caroline

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Well that was weird." I say, Maddie's just hanging out on the bed.

"Guessing it didn't go to good?"

"No, she's mad at me, I guess I can't blame her, leaving her and all."

"No way. You left a little girl with a supposed murderer?"

"She looks up to that man, no one -not even her real mother- can get her out of her father's tranze. And I'm sure he wouldn't hurt her, in fact if my theory's correct-"

"Then its not even him committing the murders." He finishes.

"Ya, well thanks for taking my thunder, Maddie."

"Sorry, babe." I roll my eyes.

"Why do you call me 'babe'?"

"The same reason you call me 'Maddie'." I roll my eyes again. He laughs. I continue the sentence.

"I actually think he's tricking his daughter -if he is- into doing it, I mean, she thinks she's helping sick people." Then I think about the man with the eyes. "Madison?" He looks intently at me, he knows I only use his real name when I'm about to ask something serious.

"How did you escape the grasp, if you were the one in the cellar with me and Tim? I mean, I know you said you can outsmart any killer but you were tied up, and gagged." He laughs again. Harder. Then stops all at once. What?

"Uhh, well... Thats not a topic I want to cover. K?"

"Sure, I guess, but I thought you trusted me?"

"No I do. In fact were like," He stops does a pose that guys do when they make fun of girls "Bff's omg!" He says perky. Like a girly girl.

"Girl. Like tots." I say, and we laugh. "But still, if we are, why don't you trust me enough to tell me ho-"

"Oh lookie, were here!" He smiles and runs to the police station. I think he's trying to avoid my question, it worked for now, but I will get my answer, at least try anyways.

I walk into the police station, and a police officer walks over to me,

"Are you okay, Caroline?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Does everyone know now?"

"No, we respect the fact that you changed your name, and your incident, we just told the police on the current case. Is that fine?"

"Yea, thats okay I guess."

"You look horrible." Maddie walks over to me and says that.

"Gee, thanks. You already know what happened."

"Yea, but I thought you'd be over it by now."

"Apparently not."

"Oh... Well they gave us a blood sample."

"Okay, cool. Do you think we could do it in the hotel?"

"Probably not, might not be safe."

"Guess so, hey, sir." The police officer looks from what he was looking at to answer to me. Wow, I missed this.

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Do you mind if we work here?"

"No of course not. Help yourself. Hey do you guys need help with anything?"

"Uhmm..." I say. Maddie sees me and answers for me.

"No, not right now, if we do we'll call, where can we work?"

"Oh, in this lab." Then he takes us to the quietest lab in the place. I have to say, impressive.

"Okay, thanks sir."

"Don't have to call me 'sir'. Call me Tim."


"Ted? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, sorry. Just go."

"Okay?" Then he walks out and goes and tells his cop buddies what he just witnessed. Ugh, cops.

"So when ya wanna start?" I jump,

"Gosh dang it, marshelle." I say, he laughs "You done nearly scared me dead."

"Sorry, partner, I'll try better next time." He says, and we laugh. "Yours was better."

"Yup, but back to business." I say, and grab the blood sample and a microscope. "It looks like there's something in this sample. Should we ask for a new one?"

"Something swimming?" He says, looking up, as if I made an excellent point. He pushes me off the microscope and looks for himself. -Now children be mature at this part, kay?- "Are you off your game, babe, its a sperm, someone must've raped this victim, before killing them."

"But who would've raped someone, then handed it off to a little girl?"

"Maybe the girl is the rapist and the murderer?"

"Thats posposperace. Someone must've raped her, and then handed it off, but why is the question-"

"And who!" He adds,

"Yes, Maddie, and who." I say, "Wow, who would've done something like this?"

"Why are you asking that, babe?" He says, and grabs my shoulder "Are you still the same smartical person you were about 8 years ago?"

"Well I should be. I didn't even want to do this!" I didn't even realize I was yelling, until the weird expression on Mad's face. I dial it down a few notches and finish with a hoopla! Ha, kid. But I did dial it down, and spoke quieter.

"Its like you're making me do this, I didn't even want to, but you pressured me into it."

"'Cause I thought you were the same as 8 years ago, but I guess its true, when you don't use your brain, knowledge rots away."

"Jerk." I said and left. I honestly didn't even care about doing this. Its not like I had any leads. I got kicked off the team, good. Better than quitting now they won't beg me to-

"Please come back, Caroline. We need your help."

Spoke too soon, guess never comment too soon on something when it comes to Mads.

"You realize you fired me right?" Fired me. The words sound so foreign. Why? Haven't I said those words together in a sentence before?

"Yea, but, I have no idea what I'm doing. Help?" He begs.

"UGH, fine." I say, he smiles and we go back into the lab. I look down at the sample again. Again, the sperm.

"I think I know who would've done this. Only the sickest person would've raped a victim. In fact I think sinse its a sperm, and not an egg, I'm pretty sure its a guy. Would make sense. Anyways," I look at it again.

"You're rambling, its obviously a dude serial killer."

"Anyways,-" I continue, ignoring Madison's remark. "I think he impregnated her and then killed her. See these marks on the womans stomach, I think the killer also aborted the child after a month of her being pregnant."

"Like she did something, then he didn't want the baby, so he killed the child."

"Yea, exactly. It would explain the cuts and scars and stitches and stuff on her womb."

"And the weird thing the officers saw in the sink."

"Wait," I stop him, "They found the baby in the sink."

"Yea, they said that it was still breathing, but red, and they didn't know what it was."

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