Chapter 28-Caroline

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"She's eight? Well, I don't think surgeon will take an 8-year old, there usually adults." Maddie says, surprised. I mean why would our killer take an 8-year old. Unless....NO

"He's planning on killing her! We've got to get her."

"How? We don't even know who this 'surgeon' is." The police officer says.

"Unfortunately that's true. But we do know one who knows."

"We can't ask him, he's still in the hospital."

"Do we even have any choice?"

"She's right..." The nurse comes up with a cop.

"We hafta talk to him while its still fresh in his mind."

"Okay.." Max says reluctantly. "I'm just gonna..Go." Max walks away, and picks up a phone. While everyone's walking to the room, I stay behind. 'What are you saying on that phone?' I whisper to myself.

"They know." He says, then hangs up the phone. The walks away. What is he up to?

"Carol!" Maddie says "Come on."

"Oh, uhmm, okay. Coming." I say, than run into the room. Everyone stops talking as soon as I enter.

"If you don't mind sir-"

"Yea, your little friends already gave me the runaround. You're interrogating me."

"No, not exactly" I scratch my head. "I wouldn't exactly call it an 'interrogation', I'd call it questions that could help us find our killer."

"So an interrogation." He says. Well Doyal's stubborn.

"It doesn't matter." The police officer chimed in.

"He's right. We just need your input."

"Fine. What's your first question." And he gets off his back and walks over to the chair and sits up.

"What did this girl look like?" I get out my notepad.

"Well, she was blonde. And looked around six." He started. "She had green eyes. They looked offly broken for a little girl." I scribble down the info.

"He just described Akia perfectly." Maddie whispered in my ear.

"Wait how do you know about Akia. And WHO IS she?" Maddie moves. Acts like he didn't even say that.

"Isn't Akia Tims daughter."

"I didn't know her name was Akia, I thought it was 'Doc', well thats what I always called her."

"Don't you wanna know what the man looked like?"

"We got more than enough information. Thank you so much, sir."

"Sure, but when this person is caught I WANT some recognition."

"You're gonna get so much that you're not gonna know what to do with it." And he smiles. Then I smile.

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